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Old 02-10-2007, 03:20 AM
bourbon bourbon is offline
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Default profilux questions

Hi guys - great reading here - I'm going to be setting up my first salt water aquarium and trying to decide b/n aquatronica and profilux.

I have few questions on the profilux
1) which tunze powerheads are compatible? do I just by the powerhead? or do I need a separate interface/controller from tunze
2) will the profilux do wave programs itself with the tunze (i.e. replace wavemaker they have)?
3) I am thinking about a Sfiligoi soloset pendant with 150 w metal halide, 2 t5's and 2 moon lights - can I dim the t5's with the profilux?? or just turn them off and on
4) if I go with the lan card can I just hook it up to a wireless access point which then connects wirelessly to my wireless router? or do I have to go with their wireless card??
5) how do the led's connect to the profilux
6) how does the fan accessory connect to the profilux
7) if I went with the following setup what expansion would I have left - 2 float sensors (or optical), 1 ph, 1 salinity probe, 1 profilux fan setup, 1 red led, 1 of the special effets led, 1 lan port, 2 tunze pumps controlled separately (takes up 2 telephone jacks), 1 digital power bar, 1 analog power bar

thanks for the info
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Old 02-10-2007, 03:46 AM
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i can only answer a few of these questions but hopefully it helps

I have few questions on the profilux
1) which tunze powerheads are compatible? do I just by the powerhead? or do I need a separate interface/controller from tunze

you can use any of the powerheads. you can buy cables for the profilux that connect it to the tunze drivers. if you buy the deluxe model profilux it comes with 2 of the tuzne cables.

2) will the profilux do wave programs itself with the tunze (i.e. replace wavemaker they have)?

i should be getting my wavebox tomorrow and will see but i may just end up using the tunze controller since it comes with it anyway. the profilux does have the ability to control wave units. not 100% on how it works with the tunzes.

3) I am thinking about a Sfiligoi soloset pendant with 150 w metal halide, 2 t5's and 2 moon lights - can I dim the t5's with the profilux?? or just turn them off and on

you would have to contact sfiligoi to see if their ballasts are dimmable. the profilux will dim any lighting as long as the ballast are dimmable.

4) if I go with the lan card can I just hook it up to a wireless access point which then connects wirelessly to my wireless router? or do I have to go with their wireless card??

not sure on this one, i have the WLAN card so not sure about your idea, it sounds like it would work

5) how do the led's connect to the profilux

i believe they connect to the telephone ports in the back

6) how does the fan accessory connect to the profilux

it uses one of the 'L' outlets on the controller. you have to also have the fan controller in order to hook it to the profilux, it is cheap though. i have it but am waiting for a 'y' adapter to attach to the profilux. for now i have the fans on a timer to come on with the MH. but when it is connected properly fans act as variable speed fans the profilux will increase or decrease the fan speed depending on the temperature selected.

7) if I went with the following setup what expansion would I have left - 2 float sensors (or optical), 1 ph, 1 salinity probe, 1 profilux fan setup, 1 red led, 1 of the special effets led, 1 lan port, 2 tunze pumps controlled separately (takes up 2 telephone jacks), 1 digital power bar, 1 analog power bar

i'm not sure on this one, maybe jason from proline can help with this one.

hope this gives you some insight


my tank setup
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Old 02-10-2007, 03:53 AM
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1. The Profilux if you buy the complete kit comes with cables for the tunze's I dont know what tunze are compatable as I dont use them

2. I beleave the controler replaces the wave maker

3.The profilux can dim T5's if they have a dimmable ballist

4. I dont have the dambdest idea I was kind of woundering this myself LOL

5. Again I dont have the dambdset idea I was woundering this my self as the LED's are one of the next things I want to add

6.The fans can be just pluged into one of the power bars and the socket programed for cooling or the cool way to do it is to buy the propeler controler it is a speed control you use one of the L1or L2 ports

7. by the looks of it you would have one expantion slot left

Hope this helps a bit

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Old 02-10-2007, 01:01 PM
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Firmware 3.00beta and new manual is available now. One firmware for Profilux II and Profilux Plus II. Please note.. this firmware is in beta-status!
Jens Meyer
Aqua-IT (German Reseller GHL-Profilux)
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Old 02-10-2007, 02:02 PM
bourbon bourbon is offline
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Default qustions

ok niloc16 so you mention that you are waiting for a y connector to connect the fans to the L1 port - so does this mean that you have all of your L ports used up? because they ports are labelled L1/L2 I'm assuming that you can connect 2 devices per port but need a y connector. Is this right.

I also remember reading that if you connect 2 tunzes to L1/L2 that you can't operate them independently - you have to use L1/L3 which takes up 2 ports. I'm concerned about the amount of L ports I will need. So by similar logic I'm assuming that if you have more than 1 LED you will have the same problem - i.e. use L1/L2 but not control them independently or use L1/L3.

Can you comment on these ports?

if my lighting had dimmable ballasts how does the profilux dim them - via a ramp down on voltage through the electric plug on the ballast or a special connection between say a L port and the light itself?

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Old 02-10-2007, 02:06 PM
bourbon bourbon is offline
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Default progamming questions

ok guys so I'm full of it today (questions that is).

So I've programmed home automation systems before and wondering if the programming is the same on the profilux
i.e. if water level sensor #1 is on (i.e. triggered) then turn on outlet #4 for 30 seconds (and outlet #4 would have top off pump on it).

is this like what you would do ??

2) can you program function keys on the controller i.e. have different lighting scenerios - i.e. one button to trigger feed mode, one button to run a macro that would signal a nother lighting mode. i.e. my tank will be in my home theatre - so could I program a movie mode where by the MHs go off, fans go off, actinics off, moon lights on - when I press a particular button on the controller?

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Old 02-10-2007, 02:59 PM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi bullit,

cleaning depends on your water quality, they should be cleaned any 3-4 weeks.
Service: pH and redox probe should be calibrated any 3-4 weeks, the other probes need not to be calibrated.
How to clean: Carefully with smooth brush
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Old 02-10-2007, 03:06 PM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi Ginzo

" Can you explain to me how the dimming lights work ? For example, currently I have two Giesemann Nova II lamps (150 watts HQI) with electronic balast. Will I be able to dimm those lights ? If yes, what is required ?"
as Marc wrote MH can't be dimmed

"Also, I'm looking at purchasing 2 Sunlight Supply 36" Ready Fit T5 Retrofit Fixtures (2-bulb, 2x39W). It comes completely assembled with TEK Reflectors and a 8' power cord. Features a major brand ballast. My question is, will I be able to dimm those T5 Fixtures with the Profilux II controller, if yes do I have to purchase an extra ballast..or anything else ?"
Marc: There is no need for additional cards when you want to control a dimmable lamp. ProfIlux has 4x 1-10V outputs (dimming control signals) on board.
Ginzo: If your lamp has dimmable ballasts you just need an interface between ProfiLux and ballast. If not: Replace the ballast.
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Old 02-10-2007, 03:19 PM
bourbon bourbon is offline
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Default dimmable

metthias - excuse my ignorance, but I'm probably going to go with the profilux - and want to purchase my lighting with the dimmable t5/t8 capbility - so I understand I have to make sure the ballast for the t5/t8 is dimmable, but how do I know if I can then interface this with profilux? what brands work etc?
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Old 02-10-2007, 03:28 PM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi bourbon,

you can use any dimmable ballast with a so called 1-10V-interface ! This is a standard interface.
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