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Old 05-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Kryos Kryos is offline
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Originally Posted by burgerchow View Post
yeah, some of them are pretty big. Biggest disappointment was the dragon soul favia. I wanted a big piece, so doubled the size, but I think it's the smallest one on a plug. lol
Go read the Dragon Soul Favia description on the site again, it says $20 for 1 HEAD. You got three, so there should be no complaints on that one.

Edit* - I'm not disatisfied with what I got, since I knew some would be a hit or miss (not matching the picture exactly, that's why I prefer to see them in person or at the very least a non-shopped photo of the Actual specimen so I'll probably won't join the next GB unless there's something I really want), tho like some of you said, they may color up later on to match the picture

Kudos to Burc, Keith and Anthony for setting this up.

Last edited by Kryos; 05-09-2012 at 04:37 PM.
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Old 05-09-2012, 05:08 PM
Paigee Paigee is offline
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I am also quite happy with my order. Would order from him again, but need to wait till my 20L is ready to rumble! The 10 is looking rather stuffed

It sounds like burc is very sincere in his efforts to make things right. And mistakes do happen, especially when organizing $1300 worth of corals. I can sympathize with him there.

Can't wait to see my corals today! One of my acans had some serious feeders out last night, the other one wasn't so enthusiastic though.
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Old 05-09-2012, 05:12 PM
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My hulks look the same! they color up really nice!!
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Old 05-09-2012, 05:27 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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No dissatisfaction on this end here. Sure one of the pieces didn't make it and one was mixed up but really, all the pieces are nice and will colour up. Even the ones I didn't order. I got an SPS frag that I didn't order on one of the last orders I did. It was brown when I got it but has since turned into one of the most stunning frags in my tank!
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Old 05-09-2012, 05:47 PM
tripsandfalls tripsandfalls is offline
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In general, I'm pretty happy with my order. 10 bucks a frag doesn't buy you much at any LFS here in the GVA (but there are lots of generous reefers in this community with real nice pieces that will share nice large frags for that price) in my experience and you certainly aren't going to find colorful acans like the ones Burc stocks.

My acans were still a little deflated yesterday after I put them in and headed back to work, but with lights off last night they all had lots of feeder tentacles extended and they all looked inflated, so hopefully I can make it home today before lights off to get a good look at 'em. They all had a decent amount of heads, I thought.

My boiling red zoas frag was a little on the meagre side, and hadn't opened yet so tough for me to comment on quality, but the quantity was well compensated for with a very generous watermelon zoa frag. For 10 bucks, this frag was huge. Burc must have an excess of the watermelon zoas kicking around.

Pics to come.
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Old 05-09-2012, 05:48 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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I got my order from Anthony late last night and after acclimating I have to say I'm pretty impressed with what I got so no complains.

The frogspawn looked awesome and opened up nicely and super fast (I'm assuming today it will be even bigger)

Birds-nest was looks awesome as well and best birds I've gotten so far. It was open within 20 mins and kept on getting bigger.

Favia was nice looking and very happy with the size

Ric looks nice, however it needs to color up more. Time will fix this without a doubt.

The paly's and zoa's on the other hand were pretty ****ed off and didn't open last night, however I expect them to be happy today and open right up. I will update later perhaps with pics as well. Frag sizes were more than decent for the price.

Thanks Anthony, Keith and Burk.

PS: Anthony's main tank is super nice
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Old 05-09-2012, 06:13 PM
burgerchow burgerchow is offline
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Originally Posted by Kryos View Post
Go read the Dragon Soul Favia description on the site again, it says $20 for 1 HEAD. You got three, so there should be no complaints on that one.

Edit* - I'm not disatisfied with what I got, since I knew some would be a hit or miss (not matching the picture exactly, that's why I prefer to see them in person or at the very least a non-shopped photo of the Actual specimen so I'll probably won't join the next GB unless there's something I really want), tho like some of you said, they may color up later on to match the picture

Kudos to Burc, Keith and Anthony for setting this up.
I'm not really complaining, just thought the dragon souls would be a little I said, I've never bought frags before online and I guess my expectations were a little higher. Its my fault. Next time I will know betterm
Last tank was 210 reef with 90 gal sump

120 , lps. 2xKessil A350W Tuna Blues, 2xvortech mp40 for flow,aqualogic 1/4 hp chiller, 160 lbs live rock. sohal, , pair of percs,flame dotty back , royal gramma, pair of black percs, niger trigger, mandarin

55 corner bowfront freshwater, African cichlids kessil a350

30 gal 36x36 coffee table fish tank. 3 red ear sliders.

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Old 05-09-2012, 06:40 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Overall im very happy don't get me wrong I will order again as I realize it was a 1300 order over 100 frags mistakes are bound to happen what matters is he fixes his mistakes. I'm not ready to make a complaint yet was going to wait a day to see how my other Ric colors up but as of last night I was pretty sure he sent the wrong Ric. Other then that i got what I was supposed to get and an extra head on each acan no less
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Old 05-09-2012, 06:43 PM
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Ginu can u post a pic of ur multicolor Ric #1 for comparison purpose
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Old 05-09-2012, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
So interested in a Fragalot group buy and live in the lower mainland?

Steps as I see it:
1. Choosing a host. Someone with tank space or a usable quarantine tank able to host the purchases until the buyers have a chance to pickup their frags. I would hope everyone could pickup their frags within five days of them landing at our host. Host would need to be central and preferably south of the Fraser. Preferably host is a canreef regular so we can all feel good about trusting him/her with our purchases

2. Payment. I am thinking PayPal has some group options we can take advantage of. Should be easy. Payment coordinator does not have to be the frag host but it might make things easier.

3. Communicating with Fragalot. I remember one group buy where communication was poor and timing was unlucky because the seller had some serious personal issues at the time. This caused some aggravation and stress all around and I am hoping to avoid that. I am hoping Burc or whoever coordinates our order will post here and keep us all in the loop.

DO NOT MAKE FRAGALOT PURCHASES AND SAY TO THE SELLER THAT YOU ARE PART OF THE CANREEF GROUP BUY AT THIS TIME. I think this was the root of some of the confusion on that other group buy. If you want something from Fragalot NOW then go ahead and make the purchase and ship to yourself.

Once we sort out the details of the group buy we will communicate as a team to the seller and life will be good. If you do not understand this last point speak up now.

Discuss please.

My apologies snaz, I am glad everything is getting sorted out! I am off this thread.
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