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Old 04-03-2013, 04:29 AM
madchild madchild is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Calgary
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madchild is on a distinguished road

There's a place near big als that builds really nice aquariums., but for the life of me I can't remember the name :-)
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Old 04-03-2013, 05:21 AM
denny_CC denny_CC is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: calgary
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denny_CC is on a distinguished road

heres a little treat for all you folks

this tank we are doing is destined for saudi arabia on thursday, this is a full ppg starphire 60 x 21 x 24h tank with a one piece eurobrace, this is the second build from that part of the world we were approached with, its nice to see the concept name go international.

we had supplied the woodskirting which has two doors in the front that when closed are perfectly flush with the rest of the stand, the stand is walnut and has a beautiful finish.

we had made a custom light hanger and a custom stand that we had powdercoated for a professional finish, the lights are 2 x orphek atlantik leds.

the system runs a bean animal overflow and has a custom sump with built in dual filter socks, refugium,skimmer,return section, ato section and dosing chambers plus a built in water changer and hooked up for a chiller.we did all the plumbing here in shop and finished everything black to match the back of the tank.

the system will run a alpha 250 skimmer and dc pumps for the return that we supplied as well.

heres some pics , its taken from the back of the warehouse by the loading doors so not the easiest place to get pics lol but here it is anyways, i also removed the leds before i got pictures as i didnt want them out of the box for long

tank with skirting on:

one piece eurobrace:

the walnut wood skirting:

the stand doesnt sit this far out just wanted to show you guys its a simple skirt but can look fantastic

the sump inside, you wouldnt say there was that much stuff installed , the idea was to keep everything on the back of the tank so as not to obstruct the sump too much , i mean everyone hates when plumbing crowds the sump right:P

notched teeth for overflow:

custom light hanger , flush and clean

shine a little light you say?

a little shot of the backside, dark so very hard to photog:P

we are currently working on a drop off tank, a waterfall tank , a 12 ft x 12 ft " L " tank plus many other gems our customers think up, theres no task were not up to

thanks for all the kind words guys cheers!!


concept aquaticse
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Old 04-03-2013, 08:39 AM
digi digi is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 26
digi is on a distinguished road

wow - fantastic work! I'm getting very excited and also completely sold... can't wait to begin my build with you guys!
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