Originally Posted by George
Are you referring to the following 2 links in your other thread?
The first link I believe is where Eric Borneman published his study (RK is down now so can't view the page). The following RC thread documents his study:
I think at the second half of his study he moved the discussion to other forum. I don't have the link at this moment. I read Borneman's study years ago and I forgot the exact details, but I think he suggested that an unknown pathogen is the cause of ECS. The reason an elegance getting infested with the pathogen in the first place is due to various reasons, stress, environmental issues, etc. But the pathogen is from the seas.
The second link is just a standard iucn report. It talks about coral disease. I think they are talking about all corals in general not only elegance.
yes thats the one thanks, its down for me too but i thought i remember(mind you my memeory isnt always as great as i like lol )him saying ecs wasnt found from freshly collected corals and that he believed its was a pathogen maybe caused by humans chemicals or introduction to man made products??
i know they did some testing and found that even tanks that share the same water is enough to infect a elegance and that there are some that are immune( aussie?? ) but once it starts there is no stopping it.
ive tried to heal a sick elegance several times to no avail
my memory is a bit faded as im going by just how i remember the article and it was a long time ago i read it.
the second article is most def about elegance but more so about their numbers, collections and cites status.