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Old 01-23-2013, 06:23 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Personally if I can avoid Frankenstein foods I will.

Was talking to someone involved in lab testing about GMO’s and she tells me: “It’s OK to eat GMO , they produce compounds that dissolve insect's shell or make it softer yes.. but you are not a beetle right?”

So with that sort of logic one can say... well, I am not a paint so I can safely drink paint thinner ...LOL
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Old 01-24-2013, 12:02 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Grains, fruits, vegitables are already genetically modified. Of course people have to actual look at GMO means to certain products, it is far from the same for each product. It is usually just splicing hardier varieties with others to improve resistance to drought, climate, disease, etc. Canada has the luxury of having plenty of fertile space and relatively clean and plentiful waters, if a few crops go down no big deal. In other parts of the world it can mean life and death. There are all kinds of varieties of apples that have been GM that people have been toying with and eating for centuries. Any idea which apple species is even native to N.A.? With the ever increasing population GMO is needed in many places but whether or not it is required in Canada is debatable. If the food remains just as nutritious and tastes the same then I have no problem eating GMO as I have been my entire life without even knowing what has been modified or not. That being said farmed salmon and wild salmon do not taste the same so I only buy wild. I doubt salmon raised in the Carribean would taste as good either and I wouldn't support the loss of jobs in the Canadian fishing industry to do so.
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