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Old 12-03-2012, 03:03 AM
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What info are you wanting? If you want to know something about something I'm selling just ask me.

Old 12-05-2012, 07:34 PM
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PM's answered & requested orders are processed. Thanks.

Old 12-05-2012, 08:36 PM
ocean diver ocean diver is offline
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This why everything has a Latin Name, when it comes to corals and fish this is what we should be using to make things clear.
Old 12-06-2012, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by ocean diver View Post
This why everything has a Latin Name, when it comes to corals and fish this is what we should be using to make things clear.
Many corals of the same species come in a variety of colours and also different shapes & growth forms depending on where they are collected from and other variables depending if they are wild or cultured.
Because of this reculate evolution it is often easier for the hobbyist to identify a particular coral by a "given" name rather than the Latin name. Also most exporters & wholesale importers don't always get the latin names correct so most stores don't really know what they actually have other than acropora, montipora, etc. They likely have a species list in the shipment or on the CITIES but it is rare the bags will be marked so they think they have a certain piece but aren't sure which one it is.
For your benefit the "orange grove" is believed to be a variety of acropora Florida.
I do use the Latin names a lot (check the list) however I find it occasionally confuses people more than helps them because let's be honest most people are not experts in coral identification.(nor am I) People can google it but often the pictures are generally of wild reefs & don't match very well and again the colours can be very different. This is one reason why I call my "show stopper) Abroanoides/Robusta because nobody can seen to tell which one of these it actually is and they are both very close.
Just for example - I have the real deal ORA Red Planet available but I think people would be less apt to buy it if I just called it acropora hyacynthus(red).


Last edited by Snappy; 12-06-2012 at 05:37 PM.
Old 12-06-2012, 05:39 PM
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I always get a kick out of the names these corals get, the same coral will go through a dozen people and take on a dozen different names. While I really don't care what people end up calling it I do agree it would be nice if people stuck to more typical names. It is a Acropora Florida, pictures show the color so I don't see much point in nicknames however Cherry Popper Acro is probably more consistent with others.
Old 12-06-2012, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I always get a kick out of the names these corals get, the same coral will go through a dozen people and take on a dozen different names. While I really don't care what people end up calling it I do agree it would be nice if people stuck to more typical names. It is a Acropora Florida, pictures show the color so I don't see much point in nicknames however Cherry Popper Acro is probably more consistent with others.
I also get a kck out of the names. I am also very familiar with the "cherry popper" name and where it comes from and an assumption is being made that this is the same.
The tips on mine are much more orange than red. Depending on one's system they may turn more reddish but in mine the tips are orange. Again this goes back to reticulate evolution and why the Latin name only supplies a general discription. I have also had A.florida with green tips & also yellow tips.
Anyway this coral is sold out because it is a sweet coral regardless of the name.

Old 12-06-2012, 06:36 PM
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Yeah I have the cherry popper and it's yellow and red in my tank. One of my current favorites for sure, no wonder it sold so fast. Keep up the good work.

Old 12-06-2012, 08:44 PM
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Yep it is a nice coral for sure. No matter the color morphs they still have a sweet contrast.

Old 12-15-2012, 05:56 AM
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Default Just added


Blue Vermiculata

Neptune Secale

Mystery Acro

DW A.Elegans


Old 12-15-2012, 06:06 AM
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Default New for Dec and available (pix to follow ASAP)

Blue Dot Mushrooms
Sulawesi Rhodactis
CARIBBEAN ECO GORGONIANS - 10 VARIETIES - large sized 4-10 inch starter colonies (depending on the coral)


Last edited by Snappy; 12-15-2012 at 07:54 AM.

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