Originally Posted by Faithinc
So I've got 1 return pipe with a 90 directed down into the over-flow (Like Beananimals) and the second 90 is pointing upwards (again like bean-animal).
So I've got my over-flow drainage and my over-flow protection, both will drain down into the sump. For the return then... with 3 elbows and 4 foot of head back into the tank, I would require a 600+ gps return pump... is that correct?
2 overflows is a Herbie. I am gathering you will have 2 right? not 3? Yes one elbow facinng down(for siphon) and one up(for air injected overflow). Make sure you gate/ball valve the siphon overflow pipe. If you go beananimal with 3 overflows, completely different setup of pipes. only the emergency is facing up. 1 inch for the overflows is good and 3/4 for return (just use hose and have it go over the lip of the tank. 400-600gph is good as the sump shouldnt be providing the brunt of your water turnover.