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Old 02-02-2012, 03:42 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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if your new in the hobby i would take bkelly up on his generous offer its much easier to get a grip on alot of the questions you have if theres someone in person to shoot questions too, then he can set you on the right track or help point out any potential problems you could have
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Old 02-02-2012, 03:55 AM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
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Default Thanks for all the responses

I have halide lighting that I keep on for about 5 hours a day and my temp is 78-80. I have a fan but I still seem to fight with keeping my temp stable when the lights are on.
I have been using API test kits for the ammonia testing. I am kind of surprised that this is a cycle after 5 weeks. Would they not normally happen sooner. We used the sand from the existing tank and some of the water. Everything was moved in buckets and all the corals and fish were doing great the first 5 weeks.
I was wondering if I did a 50 gallon water change would it be hard on the fish since my ph is so low. It is 7.7 and goes to 7.9 when the lights are on but has been as low as 7.5.
I have been using prime for the ammonia or should I just be doing water changes.
And Brent I would love to get some help. Where are you.

Leanne P
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Old 02-02-2012, 04:25 AM
janalta janalta is offline
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Hi Leanne,

I feel your pain...I ended up in the hospital for a month and my poor tank suffered for it - take Brent up on his offer !!!!!!
He's really a great help and knows pretty much everything you'll need to know about marine set ups.

We actually have to move my 55 gal this weekend...crossing everything I can cross that I don't lose anything else.
Brent is helping me out....and has given me tons of suggestions and ideas to get everything ready.

Curious about your move..... Did you leave the sand in the tank or put it in buckets then add it back again? I'm a complete newbie with SW ( 8 months in )...but do know that disturbing the sand bed can release some nasty toxins.

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Old 02-02-2012, 04:27 AM
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Sent you a pm, cheers
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Old 02-02-2012, 06:36 AM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
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Hi Jan,
When we moved the tank, we put everything in buckets as it was too heavy to move with the sand in it. I talked to someone at j & l and they said that I should have put new sand in after it was moved but that was more for phosphates I think. I was having algea problems but they are getting better now. I am so sad I lost my anenome and the other corals. I am hopeful that I can get things back on track. Good luck with your move!

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Old 02-02-2012, 02:02 PM
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Are you using RODI for water changes or tap water? If you decide to do another large water change, make sure you use pure water & let it mix with a powerhead & heater for 24 hrs, that will stabilze the pH.
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Old 02-02-2012, 03:28 PM
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I think you may have fallen victim to old tank syndrome. All of the crap that was trapped in the substrate is throwing you a curve ball.

Since hindsight is 20/20, there's no point in kicking yourself.

I'd do the recommended water changes. Do a big one, and then do smaller ones daily for a week or so.

-Using ro/di water if you have access to it. Otherwise try filtered (RO) water from a local purified water store. Purified water stores don't usually put water through a DI stage, so the tds may be above zero.
-Water changes are going to be the only way to bring those levels down. A big WC followed by smaller daily WC's for a week won't hurt anything.
-Stop worrying about pH and buffering your tank. Rule #1, ignore your pH (within reason), you'll sleep better at night (okay, maybe not #1, but you get the point). I haven't compensated for pH in over a year. It's too stressful trying to keep up with it. And it changes daily based on your photo period. According to my graphs (click on my signature below), my pH varied from 7.83 to 8.45 in the past 24 hours.
Tank Journal Thread

Last edited by cwatkins; 02-02-2012 at 03:31 PM.
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Old 02-02-2012, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by cwatkins View Post
-Stop worrying about pH and buffering your tank. Rule #1, ignore your pH (within reason), you'll sleep better at night (okay, maybe not #1, but you get the point). I haven't compensated for pH in over a year. It's too stressful trying to keep up with it. And it changes daily based on your photo period. According to my graphs (click on my signature below), my pH varied from 7.83 to 8.45 in the past 24 hours.
I dunno, I would vote this as #1
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Old 02-06-2012, 05:05 AM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
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Default Still have ammomia

Thanks for all the input from everyone. I did a 45 gallon water change on Friday and was hoping that would do the trick. I used Brent's test kit yesterday but it was an old one and told me I had almost no ammonia. My kit was testing positive so I went to the pet store today and they said the ammonia level was still at 6.1.
The fish seem to be doing ok except my cardinal hasn't eaten for awhile. Just wondering how much of a water change I should do tomorrow and each day after. The guy at the pet store said not to do another big one as it may start my tank cycling. I have another 40 gallons mixing.

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Old 02-06-2012, 05:45 AM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
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Default Salt needed

If there is anyone going to J & L in the next week or so, I am need of more salt. Thanks.

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ammonia, ph too low, tank not balanced

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