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Old 06-20-2011, 05:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Yeah, see ... I'm sorry but I'm just not feeling any sympathy. I'll trade you tank troubles any day!

"Ohhhh my corals grow TOO much. Oh it drains my soul to see them everywhere!!"

Sorry ... on the grand scale of things to whine about ... this is one of the dumber ones!!!! What's next, the colours are too bright? Oh, the saturation hurts my retinas!!! You have no idea how terrible it is!
Tony, don't even get me started on retinal pain, the money I have to spend on sunglasses is going through the roof!!

Seriously tho, although it sounds trivial, it is becoming a major job to shave the buds off the rock to prevent encroaching of the other corals. A bud or two is great for free frags, but it can quickly get to plague proportions.
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Old 06-20-2011, 05:34 AM's Avatar is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Yeah, see ... I'm sorry but I'm just not feeling any sympathy. I'll trade you tank troubles any day!

"Ohhhh my corals grow TOO much. Oh it drains my soul to see them everywhere!!"

Sorry ... on the grand scale of things to whine about ... this is one of the dumber ones!!!! What's next, the colours are too bright? Oh, the saturation hurts my retinas!!! You have no idea how terrible it is!

I will have to agree with Tony.

Aquattro give those babies away,iam sure some people would take them in a heart beat,i know i would trade you for something,too bad you are so far away.

After all that means your tank is doing awesome
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Old 06-20-2011, 05:34 AM
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It's interesting to me that the longest lived coral I have in my care is a pink poci that has never budded out, bailed out, or spawned or whatever. Live through some amazingly tough events to survive through over the years but it's always held out and come back. Unfortunately due to a recent series of bad luck events I had to frag what was left of it and now all I have is about a 3/4" piece of it. I only wish it would bail out and/or spread out.

Kind of makes me wonder why some poci's do and some don't. Or if they all have the potential why do only some of them do it.. would be interesting to find out the triggers.
-- Tony
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Last edited by Delphinus; 06-20-2011 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 06-20-2011, 02:17 PM
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I'll trade you all the Mojanos I can find for all your Pocillopora. I do constant battle with them to kill all I find and then more show up.

I do have a couple of acros that are in desperate need of fragging. There starting to overwhelm the area in the tank where they are located. The price of success in reef keeping
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke.

50 gallon FOWLR, 10 gallon sump.
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Old 06-20-2011, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by BMW Rider View Post
I'll trade you all the Mojanos I can find for all your Pocillopora.

I'll throw my aptaisia into the deal as well. I've got some very nice Toonie sized one's I'm sure would look great in your tank
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Old 06-20-2011, 06:56 PM
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Mine has spawned a couple of times as well, only in the past year or so and I have had the colony for about 3-4 years. NO idea what I did to make it so happy. Now I have little colonies all over so I ended up fragging off the main colony and giving it away. Its kind of neat the places they've picked to start up new colonies, places I could never manage to attach a coral to so I've freed up the spot the original colony was in for something else
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Old 06-20-2011, 08:04 PM
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I've had a couple spots where different sps have encrusted and started to grow where I didn't want them to. I found a couple of good fixes... 1 - if the rock can be taken out, torch the unwanted frag with a lighter, 2 - if not, just cover the spot where it is growing with a little marine epoxy... and a frag that you do want there... or just the epoxy if you prefer. This will smother it, and problem solved.

For the longest time, I would scrub them with a tooth brush thinking that the stress would kill them... somehow they would survive, which blows my mind.

That said... people like free SPS frags!!

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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Old 06-22-2011, 06:57 PM
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I have two types of Pocci (pink and green) and they've both spawned. Pink being the most prolific. I've never seen the event, but have the evidence all over my tank. I'm finding that they are very hardy and can out sting many corals.
If you want to kill them 'naturally' place a healthy acan or something that CAN out sting them next to it, they'll zap it in a day or two!
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:17 PM
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last night I noticed a few tiny buds growing in my tank and here is the culprit.

months ago i had found a tiny 'frag' growing ina crevasse and thought i'd busted a piece off but had no idea how it got to the other side of the tank. now all is revealed!
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Wow, how terrible for you guys.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk
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