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Old 06-16-2011, 02:54 PM
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sad to see history repeat itself......real classy!........this is exactly the reason I couldnt bring myself to cheer for Van.......
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Old 06-16-2011, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
sad to see history repeat itself......real classy!........this is exactly the reason I couldnt bring myself to cheer for Van.......
That? Or your a TRUE Calgary fan and have to default to NOT cheer for Van?

Too bad the fans in van have to be like that. The fans that I saw here were pretty good about the whole thing. I was in the bar rocking Boston gear and no comments were made to me about the best win of the year.
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Old 06-16-2011, 03:23 PM
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The riot had little to do with the result of the game, win or loose those people came to riot not watch the game. The true fans in the stadium actually surprised me as they all cheered on Boston after the game ended.
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Old 06-16-2011, 03:54 PM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
The riot had little to do with the result of the game, win or loose those people came to riot not watch the game. The true fans in the stadium actually surprised me as they all cheered on Boston after the game ended.
This for sure, I'm proud that the fans in the arena gave the team an ovation for a great season. Thomas deserved the cheers as did the Bruins, they were the better team this series, sadly my Canucks didn't play like they did all year leading up to it. Bettman getting boo'd was par, he's not liked in Canada regardless. Although the sneering way he presented the trophy even got me pretty offended.
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Old 06-16-2011, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by parkinsn View Post
That? Or your a TRUE Calgary fan and have to default to NOT cheer for Van?
Any true Calgary fan would never cheer for the "Cannot's"... or edmonton lol

Not only am I disgusted by the aftermath but embarresed at the same time

I'll leave it at that. Just happy that my friends and a family member are ok.
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Old 06-16-2011, 04:30 PM
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pict tells thousand words

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Old 06-16-2011, 04:55 PM
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The best part of this whole thing, is that the morons are posting their pic's ans tagging themselves on facebook and getting arrested for it. How dumb do you have to be to tag a picture of you rioting?
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Old 06-16-2011, 05:12 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Ya, this is pretty brutal. I have to echo what was said earlier: the people who were rioting we not from Vancouver and they came prepared to riot. They were not hockey fans. It was premeditated (who brings a riot mask to a f-ing hockey game?) and they were instigating others... Then the rest of the idiots were just standing there taking pictures so that they can show their friends and look cool.

My girlfriend and I had to go through downtown last night to check on her home and business to make sure they were OK as the neighbors on both sides had their windows smashed and the parkade next door was set on fire. It was bizarre. Vancouver felt like a war zone. I have seen that in Bangkok and Cambodia, but my own home? Really? And the worst part was that there were people showing up for the "festivities" from Surrey and other out lying areas (they were showing up at 9pm or later, no Canucks jerseys, ready to fight). I started telling people to go home and they started threatening us. These people didn't even watch the game.

The city is less disappointed by the loss of the game than we are about this crap. I am particularly disappointed to come on here and find people saying "this is exactly the reason why I couldn't bring myself to cheer for Van". Really? You knew about this riot before hand? You hate Vancouver because of it's fans? (when the Bruins fans were cheering 'Canucks Suck' during the Boston games... Classy).

This was not a hockey riot, they used the game as an excuse. People need to pull their heads put of their butts and get off the high horse and see that this is not representative of the city or of hockey. Trash talk the rioters, not the city or the Canucks.

Last edited by ScubaSteve; 06-16-2011 at 05:15 PM.
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Old 06-16-2011, 05:35 PM
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I did look into it this morning and your right, people did come in just to riot and it was going to happen no matter what the outcome was going to be. Hockey fan's joined in. There are hundreds of pictures and alot of them show people wearing jersey's.

This isn't the first time this has happened in vancouver and this event doesn't help with a known reputation. This doesn't happen here and it shouldn't happen there. Its sad how many people have been effected by the actions of these people.

On another note, obviously we are dealing with a class of people who are either boarder line retarded or imbreed to the point of stupidity. BC already has outrageous taxes and they go around flipping and burnung up cop cars... ummm smart thinking guys. like common
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Old 06-16-2011, 06:06 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by lorenz0 View Post
I did look into it this morning and your right, people did come in just to riot and it was going to happen no matter what the outcome was going to be. Hockey fan's joined in. There are hundreds of pictures and alot of them show people wearing jersey's.

This isn't the first time this has happened in vancouver and this event doesn't help with a known reputation. This doesn't happen here and it shouldn't happen there. Its sad how many people have been effected by the actions of these people.

On another note, obviously we are dealing with a class of people who are either boarder line retarded or imbreed to the point of stupidity. BC already has outrageous taxes and they go around flipping and burnung up cop cars... ummm smart thinking guys. like common
That's the problem. Some idiots back in '94 set a precedent of riots so that you now get the retards thinking that is cool... and then you get the media playing it up to look more epic and it just encourages more of this. The idiots give us this reputation, outsiders and media help perpetuate it and the idiots buy right back into it. Believe me, this is not a reputation that we appreciate nor should this be happening here. I don't know about you, but I don't appreciate people smashing my windows and wrecking my city...

This is an issue of a group of prepared instigators and drunk crowd mentality.
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