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Old 02-18-2011, 10:26 PM
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Default R.I.P.

So the other day I was reaching around the back of my tank to get some rubble for mounting frags... I felt something very smooth back there, and pulled it out... I nearly dropped it cuz my hand was shaking so bad out of shock/fear!

THE BIG BAD CRAB IS DEAD!!! No wonder all the snails I recently bought are still around!!! This shell is huge! About 3 inches across!! It reminds me of The Predator :S But I was so relieved that it's gone! Now I wont have to worry about my inverts, and I can get more if I wanted!
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

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Old 02-18-2011, 10:42 PM
Canadoc Canadoc is offline
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Wow you win the "I'm never sticking my hand in the live rock again' award for sure. That thing is enormous. Are you sure it is off to the great big reef in the sky, or did it just shed? I'm pretty sure they shed. Just in case. Wouldn't want you to go out and but a bunch of really expensive food for that beast.

It looks like the Rancor from return of the Jedi.
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Old 02-18-2011, 10:43 PM
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Default WOW.

Originally Posted by GMGQ View Post
So the other day I was reaching around the back of my tank to get some rubble for mounting frags... I felt something very smooth back there, and pulled it out... I nearly dropped it cuz my hand was shaking so bad out of shock/fear!

THE BIG BAD CRAB IS DEAD!!! No wonder all the snails I recently bought are still around!!! This shell is huge! About 3 inches across!! It reminds me of The Predator :S But I was so relieved that it's gone! Now I wont have to worry about my inverts, and I can get more if I wanted!

Thats awsome! I have caught about 10 BAD crabs in my tank over the last 6 months on a mission to rid my tank of them. I have 10+ snail shells missing snails so something is still eating them.
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:21 PM
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Crap, the molt too? Hmmerz... This shell felt pretty hard. Arent molted shells usually softer..? Well I'll continue to keep an eye on my snails for now. It's been at least 3 weeks, and they're still accounted for. And I havent see the big bad crab in at least a month...

BUT, I did see something strange the other morning. It looked like a long oval shaped creature, with legs at the front and back (almost like an underwater cockroach). It slowly crawled out from under a rock, and slid behind another rock. (and I didnt have a flashlight on hand!) I also noticed the rocks in that area slowly rose up, then fell back down one day. So something is definitely lurking in that area...

Originally Posted by Canadoc View Post
Wow you win the "I'm never sticking my hand in the live rock again' award for sure. That thing is enormous. Are you sure it is off to the great big reef in the sky, or did it just shed? I'm pretty sure they shed. Just in case. Wouldn't want you to go out and but a bunch of really expensive food for that beast.

It looks like the Rancor from return of the Jedi.
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

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Old 02-18-2011, 11:39 PM
kevNnic kevNnic is offline
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lol it amazes me what you can find in a tank that you never put there to begin with
65 gallon saltwater tank, 60lbs live sand, 85lbs live rock, 2 ocellaris clowns, spotted goby, Flame hawkfish, scopas tang, numerous corals
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Old 02-19-2011, 01:46 AM
russp russp is offline
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looks like a moult to me & the cockroach like critter sounds like a mantis shrimp .
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:04 PM
jamesjackkson jamesjackkson is offline
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I think the fish need to eat a lot of praying mantis more than 2 to 1.5 years. You already know the clown died, the rest may be the same. Most fish are often hidden in their illness may die when hiding.
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Last edited by jamesjackkson; 03-16-2011 at 12:32 AM.
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Old 03-15-2011, 11:30 PM
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I can relate!! I lost a small dottyback to something hiding in my LR. And I think my new firefish might be the next victim. Ive checked the rock, but havent found anything, guess the only thing to do is set another trap and take another look.
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