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Old 09-14-2010, 04:15 PM
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i ran FW for years and ithoughti was happy with it until my tank sprung a leak. and i decided to go salt. it changed my life. yes at first fear and problems did make me think wtf did i get myself into. but now almost a year into it come dec. i would never change a thing and setting up a second tank now.

with fw i liked the fish but i didnt pay much attention to it it was there i fed them cleaned it when i felt like it, even thought of rays. rays can have a short life span in captivity. but salt WOW the color the vibrance the attitudes the personality the where did that thing come from i dont remember buying that, just blows my mind every day. i still have frustration days as everyone does and fears of crash. buti do look forward every morning to peeking at the tank to see whats grown over night.

i too would say give it a few more month you have already done the hard part. now i dream of making my display tank bigger. i wish i had the size of yours so much more i could do.

in the end you have to do whats best for you not what us cronics think you should do.
Desperately seeking serenity ...
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Old 09-14-2010, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Personally, it sounds like you've already bought almost everything you need to keep it running and there's not a lot of spending left if you want to keep it a simple fowlr tank. Fowlrs don't require frequent water changes (considerably less than a full blown reef tank). If time is an issue, the switch over from sw to fw at this time will be quite a big chore. FW sting rays are far more sensitive and expensive than the fish you already have. Even a tiny bit of ammonia is enough to damage or kill a ray. If time & money is that big an issue, I would stay away from rays. You'll end up killing it through lack of maintenance time. Any high maintenance, expensive species is a bad idea at this time, it sounds like.

Just my $.02.

I've kept many rays before. I've kept 8 rays in the last year but sold them all. I know how to take care of them well.
-29g salt-
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Old 09-15-2010, 07:14 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by snow1 View Post
I've kept many rays before. I've kept 8 rays in the last year but sold them all. I know how to take care of them well.
Was NOT commenting on whether you know how to take care of rays or not. Just commenting that rays are high maintenance & expensive, which is your posted reason for wanting to quit sw when you're really on the verge of being able to sit back and enjoy your tank more.

Pretty much nothing other than powerheads & heaters will be transferable to keeping rays. That means getting rid of a lot of live sand, live rock, big fish, skimmer, etc. that you end up not being able to fit into a 29g system. For someone with time constraints & money issues due to school, this changeover sounds like a less than ideal idea and will result in a significant financial loss.

But to each their own.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Was NOT commenting on whether you know how to take care of rays or not. Just commenting that rays are high maintenance & expensive, which is your posted reason for wanting to quit sw when you're really on the verge of being able to sit back and enjoy your tank more.

Pretty much nothing other than powerheads & heaters will be transferable to keeping rays. That means getting rid of a lot of live sand, live rock, big fish, skimmer, etc. that you end up not being able to fit into a 29g system. For someone with time constraints & money issues due to school, this changeover sounds like a less than ideal idea and will result in a significant financial loss.

But to each their own.
No it won't. Off course I need to completely clean out the tank and sell the sand rock etc... but I'm keeping some rock and sand for the 29g. Water changes are a lot easier for fw, just stick the python on and it's done, none of this mixing water or ato or another tank just for water. Personally rays are a lot for easy for me to take care of then these saltwater fish. The lookdown already got ick once but now It's 100% fixed atleast that worked out well, did not want him to die but it gets to the point where it's no fun anymore. I'm still NOT sure though that I will sell which is why I'm waiting until the end of the month two decide. If I was done with it everything would have been up for sale by now.
-29g salt-
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Old 09-15-2010, 11:53 PM
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As others have said, it does get easier once you are settled in.

I think that patience and some solid planning really helps too. As for water changes, once you have a system in place, it isn't difficult at all. Bigger or smaller, you'll still have to deal with an ATO and with water changes. Once you are setup it is fairly straightforward. I have a waterchange bucket that I fill with DI water and mix a few days before I'm going to make my water change. Then I do it. Yes, it takes a little more time that a FW water change but that is part of the hobby.

I'm very busy, being a teacher and having 2 young kids. I'm away 2-3 weeks a year on various school trips and have trouble keeping up with maintenance sometimes. It has taken me almost 2 years to get my new setup going. This way I can plan and prepare for when I know I'll be too busy for maintenance. I even do this with my FW tanks.

I'd say wait at least 2 months before you get out. Like others have said, you're already setup and running. Just sit back and enjoy what you have for now and then see what happens and how you feel. This hobby really requires patience, planning and a calm demeanor. I've seen so many people on this site and other rush and make some pretty big mistakes. You've done a pretty good job so far so keep your chin up and look at the work you've done so far and just enjoy it...
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Old 09-16-2010, 12:06 AM
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What kind of Arrowana do you have? Any pictures?
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