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Old 03-23-2010, 01:31 AM
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PE Mysis are a forum favorite. A lot of canreefer recommend them so I'm just following the herd. I'll show you what they look like when you come to pick up the butterfly tonight.
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Old 03-23-2010, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
There's alot of water in the cubes and supposedly full of phosphates . The mysis that he/she is talking about is straight mysis. It's nice stuff and worth the price. I'm sure once this order is placed you'll be able to get rid of them, I can talk to some of the local reefers in town and they'll most likely take some.
Hahaha well no offence taken but im all he over here. haha. Well id appreciate it if you find a few, weve got 7 packs taken by the sounds of it. itd be good to just make sure we have all packs sold as its not like its a 20$ purchase you know? 3 people back out and someones stuck with 120$ of mysis. Im not sure how the whole buying things going to go yet or not but ill ask when hes off his hiatus. Thanks for all the help.

Did you sell the butterfly out of the sump? That was a nice fish.
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Old 03-23-2010, 02:22 PM
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I'll also ask around this weekend and see if I can find a few more people. There are lots of reef keepers in town who arent on Canreef.

I dont have your email address but I just sent out a notice to say that his weekend is Doug's tank showing on The Reef Tank Tour. You can follow the link in my signature for more details. If you send me your email address I'll able to to send you regular notices when we host these events.

The butterfly in my sump is gone now. Rachael picked it up for her 75gal FOWLR.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

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Old 03-27-2010, 12:46 AM
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The vagabond butterfly has settled in nicely!

Some of my fish weren't too happy with the addition at first - the clowns were sure he was evicting them from their cave and decided to spend the night fluttering like miserable martyrs at the top of the tank. My puffer sulked behind a rock for two days straight because he was no longer the star of the show.

But now everyone has their attitudes sorted out and they're getting along together fabulously. No aggression whatsoever. Thanks!

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