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Old 09-19-2009, 05:45 PM
moppy moppy is offline
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Default Frags cont'd

Yup, it's also just my opinion and I don't buy those rip-off frags but I have to tell you, I know what people are paying for a lot (maybe not all) of their zoas and what they are reselling them for and it is far too much. Sure, if you want to pay that much, go for it, doesn't mean it isn't overpriced.

Looking at the responses to my opinion, it is fairly obvious why people are overpricing yet still selling a lot of their zoas. Hope it still OK to state my opinion (based on price facts that I KNOW!).
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Old 09-19-2009, 06:54 PM
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Its all marketing: fancy names, descriptions and back stories. I sell a lot of frags locally of this colony (it grows like a bad weed) which I call "Doug's Zoa's" because I got them from a local guy named Doug. I ask between $5 and $10 for 10-30 polyps. Or you can buy something that looks exactally the same to me from one of the online dealers called Sunshine Zoas for $5 per polyp. I've got a lot more examples if anyone wants to hear them...

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Old 09-19-2009, 08:04 PM
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If you want fantastic zoa frags then I would say Wickedfrags is the way to go if your willing to spend the money (Quality isn't cheep). That or keep an eye out for members selling zoas on here (Have to be open for shipping as most members here are from Western Canada). That being said, I'm low on my frag stock and will be cutting some new ones right away here. Search up my posts I have tones of photos of the colonies, possibly there's something that interests you (and no my frags are not $45.00 per).
EDIT- Here's a few of them under actinics, since this photo I have aquired another 7 colonies.

Last edited by Zoaelite; 09-19-2009 at 08:19 PM.
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Old 09-19-2009, 09:18 PM
UnderTheSea UnderTheSea is offline
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LOL people complaining about $7 per polyp. Have a look around and you will see a variety priced over $20 / polyp. It's all supply and demand.

$20 / colony?

I purchased 2 colonies of African Blue zoas each at $150

For what it is worth, ask the company you are purchasing from if the frags are from grow outs or they are cutting into the mother colony.
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Old 09-20-2009, 12:56 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Retailers will sell their products for as much as the market will support, they are in business to make a profit otherwise they wouldn't be in business for very long. Fellow reefers are in it for the pleasure and the challenge of growing new colonies. So if you can find a group of people to trade or buy from then everyone saves a little money and you get a more varied collection. Not to say that I don't buy from retailers because they always have something I just can't pass up!
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