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Old 04-25-2009, 03:17 PM
Powertec Powertec is offline
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We moved our 180 twice in a a matter of 6 months. Could think of much better things i would like to do

But here is how we did it. If you can try and dedicate a whole day to get it done. Buy lots of heaters and rubbermaids.I drained enough water into a few rubbermaids that would cover the fish enough but still be okay to carry it without getting water everywhere. The first time we didn't bag the corals and alot got stung so the second time it was easier to bag the corals and let them float in a rubber maid.Considering you have a short distance to go you can take them all over,get heaters and airstones going and can focus on getting rocks over in the same way. Just make sure they are submerged and heated and you have alot of time. I ended up getting the longest rubbermaid i could for the rocks. And it fit 180 pounds of rock in it no problem and about 50 gallons of water.Then we got the tank to the house and transfered as much water as we could. We used water jugs that we got for water coolers. You can get the caps for them at any water store. That way all the water doesn't come out. Alot of places if you tell them what you are doing will give them to you for free you just have to pay the deposit on them which you get back of course

Then get the Ro hooked up with a garden house so you can just run it directly into the tank...And if you managed to get 1/2 to 3/4 of the old water its just a big water change....Add salt mix,heat and then add your

We weren't as lucky the second time as i know now my ro unit got damaged in the move and i just thought it was low pressure so it took 4 days to fill it up from 1/2...So my fish,corals,rock,and nems sat in rubbermaids for 5 days with no issues.

It is the most stressfull part of the move thats for sure. So if you have a whole day just dedicated to that it makes it much easier!!

Good Luck and i hope this gave you some ideas!!
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Old 04-25-2009, 03:21 PM
Adam NS. Adam NS. is offline
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Keep as much of the original water as possible. As someone said have a new batch of water mixing and up to temp in the new house.

Also doesnt hurt to have a power filter handy, you will be stirring things up pretty good.

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Old 04-25-2009, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Reefer View Post
Lift with the legs.
Lift with lots of friends legs is a better plan LOL
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 04-25-2009, 03:40 PM
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I am about to do the same thing sort of..... I am moving my 120g, however im moving it into a 168g This is my 2nd time moving my SW tank. This is my plan. Im going to have the new tank about 1/3 full and 2 garbage cans of pre mixed water ready to go. I have lots of old salt buckets so i will transport my fish in the buckets (1 in each bucket 3/4 full of water) all my rock will be going into 2 other garbage cans with as much water as i can get in them. I got some styrofoam boxes from the LFS to put my coral's/nem into.

Talk to your LFS and see what they have for containers that you can borrow or have, and keep as much water as you can. Try not to stir up your substrate, add new if you have to. Try to get your friends that have some knowledge of SW or at least if they have moved a FW tank before that should help you in the panic. Definitely dedicate the whole day to do it. Hope this helps you.
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Old 04-25-2009, 04:06 PM
zeddy zeddy is offline
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Originally Posted by Mrfish55 View Post
I went to the local ice cream shop and asked about ice cream pails, they are about three gallons each and they had hundreds of them. Made it real easy for me, just started filling buckets and add a piece of rock or coral to each one as you go, three of us moved the entire contents of my 180 in about three hours.
that is an exelent idea and now i'm craving icecream thankyou
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Old 04-27-2009, 12:43 AM
zeddy zeddy is offline
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i found a perfect solution to move my 100gal reef. i just bought a 150gal tank and am borowing 2 45gal drums to move the water in.
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Old 04-27-2009, 02:24 AM
belzebuth belzebuth is offline
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yes this sounds best. Keep as much of the water as possible. Let me know if I can help you in anyways
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Old 04-29-2009, 03:44 AM
zeddy zeddy is offline
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Originally Posted by belzebuth View Post
yes this sounds best. Keep as much of the water as possible. Let me know if I can help you in anyways
dan from aa is lending me a 45gal drum and styro containers between that and a new garbage can i should be ok. but if you want to help me move it all your more than wecome
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Old 04-29-2009, 04:29 AM
Robw Robw is offline
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I have moved my 50 gallon about 4 times with no problems. Used Rubbermaid tubs for the rock and salt buckets for the fish, corals and anemone. Saved as much old water as possible and topped off with newly mixed saltwater. I took out the sand bed and washed it with the garden hose. I filled a salt bucket about half full with sand then sprayed the garden hose into the sand with a pressure nozzle until the water flowed clear. Got lots of debris out this way. Never had an ammonia spike or livestock loss.
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Old 04-29-2009, 06:44 PM
belzebuth belzebuth is offline
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Default Need tips for moving large tank

If you need more containers, you can have the garbage I use for my water change and the rubber made bins used for my tank move last Feb. I also have many heaters and air pumps if you need any

45 gall that will be heavy
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