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Old 06-24-2003, 03:27 PM
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Although most everything has been covered, and maybe Tony covered this too. (I just did not feel like reading the whole thing) . I found size of the shrimp to be a factor in how far they come out. I recently got a really small one. It did not show for a week, whereas the big ones are real brazen about showing themselves.
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Old 06-24-2003, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by rcipema
(I just did not feel like reading the whole thing)
Your loss, man ... I had put the next 6/49's jackpot winning numbers in there, but I've edited them out now, so now it's too late.
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Old 06-24-2003, 04:32 PM
Michael Michael is offline
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Originally Posted by Chad
Yesterday I had my hand in the tank to move a coral after it had fallen over ( still don't know how that happened since it had secured itself, maybe it intended to move ), and my cleaner shrimp went right up to my hand and then right onto it and started to "clean" it. Even after I had moved my hand to get it off it would come right back. Was funny.. wish I had gotten a picture of it.

Mine also come to my arm\hand if it's ever in the aquarium. If I shake them off...they come right back. I don't mind...until they start to pinch really hard... OUCH !!
-Someone mentioned a size difference earlier...that probably applies to my 2 peppermint shrimp...the big one is out all the time , and the smaller one hides.

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Old 06-24-2003, 05:38 PM
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sometimes I bring in a fair number of cleaner shrimp at a time and some get put into the reef tanks to make room, such is the case right now. I have a calerpa growout tank that has 14 cleaners in it and its great fun to watch them.the act very brazen when in larger groups.
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