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Old 05-01-2009, 09:22 PM
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Mine rarely have bubble tips and the clones are the same. They do seem to shy away from too strong of a current, you can sometimes get them to move by aiming a powerhead at them.
You can feed them silversides.(a small frozen fish at your LFS)
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Old 05-13-2009, 07:34 AM
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Default Smoking anemone!?

Ok. again. first nem. i just went to look at my tank and my nem was spewing white smoke like stuff. is this just waste being ejected or is there an issue. once it started, one of my mexican snails Started doing the same thing and it clouded my tank. it is 20 Gallon so i did a quick water change in panick. advice or knowledge requested please.

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Old 05-13-2009, 02:34 PM
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Sounds like its spawning. If its only white smoke stuff and there are no small round objects its a male, round objects (perhaps yellowish in color) means female. I've had my female sebae anemone spawn a few times in the past in my 270gal system with no adverse effects. You should do some big water changes though as I've heard about anemones nuking smaller tanks this way.
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Old 05-13-2009, 03:15 PM
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Default Spawning?

Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Sounds like its spawning. If its only white smoke stuff and there are no small round objects its a male, round objects (perhaps yellowish in color) means female. I've had my female sebae anemone spawn a few times in the past in my 270gal system with no adverse effects. You should do some big water changes though as I've heard about anemones nuking smaller tanks this way.
So they spawn as well as split asexually?

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Old 05-13-2009, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
So they spawn as well as split asexually?
yes. lots of ways to get the job done.
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Old 05-13-2009, 04:10 PM
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Default Hmmm

So even with just one small nem it will try spawn. is filtration enough to remove this or could it really kill my tank as i sleep?

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Old 05-13-2009, 07:12 PM
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In this Tank of the Month an anemone spawning event nuked the guys 65gal

Keep an eye on your livestock and perameters and do some more water changes to be safe.
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:10 PM
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Default Levels

Tested all possible factors today and no visible pollutants. did about 4 Gallon water change. ill be watching. thanks everyone.

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I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 05-13-2009, 10:25 PM
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Tell it smoking is bad for it's health
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