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Old 03-20-2009, 10:05 PM
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I have to agree with Myka on this. Not to be harsh at all though. It seems to me like you and your husband are struggling in th direction of the tank. Do you want a reef? Or a fowler? I think bringing a large angel into a reef is somethine left to the expert aquarists. And as someone who REALLY loves her pets, i think all you have to do is look at your past experiences and see that it really isn't a good idea. I know your husband spent alot of time with the build, and is infact passionate about the hobby, but how much research has he done into the husbandry and needs of the creatures you are caring for. I think if YOU are the one who is running the tank, YOU should have the final say in what is acceptable and not acceptable. And you do know the answer to that question. When there is two people at odd with regards to the care of creature that really have NO say, it will never end good.
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Old 03-20-2009, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
These fish and many corals are caught from the wild, and you're killing them because you're impatient, have a hard time taking advice, and some amount of you just don't know any better. That's not fair to the fish or the environment, and that ****es me (and likely many others) off to no end. You already have a bunch of livestock in there that doesn't get along with each other. You're digging yourself a hole. If you want a bunch of big Angels, set up a FOWLR tank. I am passionate about this hobby, and when someone comes barging in like a Rhino in a China shoppe, I feel like someone should stick up for the delicate animals who have no choice but to be a part of it.

You and your hubby need to learn about brakes, oh and breaks. Like Time Out. You both need a Time Out from the tank. Leave it alone for awhile. Enjoy it for what it is - so far. Nothing good ever happens fast in a sw tank. Remember that. If it was my tank I wouldn't add a darn thing to it for at least 6 weeks. Not even a snail. You will continue to kill fish, lose money, and be disappointed if you keep carrying on like you are. I know you and your hubby are all excited about it, and want to see it "come alive", but right now the only thing holding your tank back from doing that is you and your hubby.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but you really need someone to give your heads a shake so you will listen better. Or...carry on throwing your money down the drain and killing beautiful animals with your impatience and lack of knowledge. Please learn to respect the animals more.
I kind of have to agree. There is no reason to post asking people why you shouldn't buy the fish--I think your posting looking for a reason to buy it. I seem to remember you just recently saying never again to angels. I could be wrong but if thats the case, what do you expect the answers to be?

I would solve that tang problem before anything else. That Sailfin is going to end up dead if you don't. Just because things calm down for a day or two doesn't mean the next 10 years are going to be peaceful.
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Old 03-20-2009, 10:46 PM
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Why beat around the bush? Just tell me how you feel...

If I did not care about my animals I would not come here and ask the questions I am asking. I am asking the questions BEFORE something goes wrong for opinions and help. I buy aqua cultured corals or frags from other canreef people. I did not order this particular fish nor would I ever have a fish taken off the reef for my own desire.

As sad as it is, people can buy whatever they want whenever they want... I have learned some lessons the hard way, so I come here and ask people whom know better then I do. Of course there are so many opinions out there, it is hard to know what the right thing to do really is.

This fish has been at the store for two months, and can stay there as long as needed. I don't want it to come home, and I believe my husband has decided against it as well. However I would like to be sure on his behalf while he decides. It is only fair to him and the fish. How do you know the next home won't kill that fish?

Perhaps you should reread my post rather then skim through it to see that I am really concerned and do really care. You do not know me, my husband and our love for animals. I have rescued so many animals of all sorts in my lifetime and know they think and feel and hurt. I admit I have made mistakes in this hobby, but can you honestly say that you have not? How many fish have you lost over time?

Patience is a virtue and this fish has been paid for for two months now... My trigger is paid for but has not come home yet either. I do my home work now, and make sure things are right.

My water params are mint, and I check them daily. The only fish to get sick were the angels, that is it. I have gone to almost every LFS in the city one with a body for examination and diagnosis. I take this seriously.

You can be ****ed off at me all you want, but I do care. I care enough to ask here and face being bashed on a public forum for the benefit of my fish. I can take the heat and I will still continue to ask when I need questions answered. I do not consider my fish replaceable and take their losses hard.

I wonder how many people are afraid to ask the questions because of retaliation from members of this forum. I only dare to think. Thanks to all for the numerous PMs, I will answer them all shortly.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
These fish and many corals are caught from the wild, and you're killing them because you're impatient, have a hard time taking advice, and some amount of you just don't know any better. That's not fair to the fish or the environment, and that ****es me (and likely many others) off to no end. You already have a bunch of livestock in there that doesn't get along with each other. You're digging yourself a hole. If you want a bunch of big Angels, set up a FOWLR tank. I am passionate about this hobby, and when someone comes barging in like a Rhino in a China shoppe, I feel like someone should stick up for the delicate animals who have no choice but to be a part of it.

You and your hubby need to learn about brakes, oh and breaks. Like Time Out. You both need a Time Out from the tank. Leave it alone for awhile. Enjoy it for what it is - so far. Nothing good ever happens fast in a sw tank. Remember that. If it was my tank I wouldn't add a darn thing to it for at least 6 weeks. Not even a snail. You will continue to kill fish, lose money, and be disappointed if you keep carrying on like you are. I know you and your hubby are all excited about it, and want to see it "come alive", but right now the only thing holding your tank back from doing that is you and your hubby.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but you really need someone to give your heads a shake so you will listen better. Or...carry on throwing your money down the drain and killing beautiful animals with your impatience and lack of knowledge. Please learn to respect the animals more.
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Old 03-20-2009, 10:55 PM
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Your tank is 4 months old, and what is your stocking list currently? My opinion is it is very irresponsible to be pre-shopping and buying fish before you can get your tank under control. It sounds like you haven't chosen what you want to stock or what your goal is for your tank, but instead act on opportunity of what the LFS has.
28g Nano Cube drilled with 13g sump in stock stand. Vertex IN80 Skimmer, Phosban 150 Reactor, Apex Controller, DIY LED with stock hood, dimmable
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Old 03-20-2009, 11:11 PM
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Guys Calm down....

1) Yes they have prepaid fish that they think they will want so that no one else buys them - NOTHING worng with that AND they have not brought them home yet as they want to hopefully make sure the problem is rectified first.

2) I have counted dozens of posts from half of the people on here saying I know I should't of but.... or I think I made a mistake.... EVERYONE in this hobbies changes directions from time to time with what they think they want and MANY people try things that they "knew better" but decidied to try anyways.....

She was asking for help and suggestion not a stoning....

I don't personally know them, but I did see the setup pictures they created and they have invested a lot of time and money in their setup so I don't think they are cutting corners, and can respect them fully for putting a fish on hold while they decide. More people probably should do that as well.

Cudos for asking the question, and please don't be discourage from asking more.

I personally have struggled with adding fish once I started going as well....AND I have also added fish that were suppose to be good natured so to speak but they have turned out the exact opposite (and Vise versa) so the norm isn't always what happens.

As far as your angel is concerned it sounds like you have already convinced yourslef not to get it and I would probably stick with your gut, you can always change your mind down the road....

75G, 100 lbs LR, Inwatter Stingray LED's, 25 Gallon Sump, 24wt UV, hermits, Snails, pep, fire & cleaner shrimps, Blue Throat Trigger, Perc Clowns , Yellow Tang, Coral Beauty, Blue Regal tang, RBTA, Coral Banded Shrimp, Checkerboard Wrasse, Many Corals, Royal Tux Urchin
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Old 03-20-2009, 11:46 PM
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What would be irresponsible is the buy the fish and bring it home... I did that once with my puffer and learned a big lesson from it. Never again I do research and ask questions. SO what I bought the fish and he is on hold... it does not mean I HAVE to take it. I will get a credit from the store. Call me irresponsible, at least I did not brain fart twice and bring it home before doing homework on it.

Originally Posted by nazerine View Post
Your tank is 4 months old, and what is your stocking list currently? My opinion is it is very irresponsible to be pre-shopping and buying fish before you can get your tank under control. It sounds like you haven't chosen what you want to stock or what your goal is for your tank, but instead act on opportunity of what the LFS has.
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Old 03-21-2009, 12:09 AM
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Thanks TJ, I will always ask no matter what, since I DO CARE, and it is in the best interest to my tank and livestock.

Yes, I lost three angels to disease, I had two jumpers and my puffer ate three fish. Yes, I have made mistakes, and yes I have learned from them... Am I a better hobbyist, YES. Do I ask questions, YES. Do I care what you think of me, not really. I feel bad for any other newbie in this hobby that is watching this. Who would dare to ask a question out of care and responsibility for their livestock? I can take the heat so I don't really take it personally. I do it for my pets which I do love and know very well... each and every one of them.

Can any of you honestly say that you have not lost fish in this hobby, especially in the beginning? Think what you like to think about me, it does not matter in the end. It is easy to judge a person and point fingers from behind a computer screen. Do what you need to do to me, but perhaps have a decent answer to the question so I don't waste my time reading through all the flaming. So... does anyone have actual answers to a question, or just flaming?

Those whom have glass boxes should not throw rocks...

Originally Posted by TJSlayer View Post
Guys Calm down....

1) Yes they have prepaid fish that they think they will want so that no one else buys them - NOTHING worng with that AND they have not brought them home yet as they want to hopefully make sure the problem is rectified first.

2) I have counted dozens of posts from half of the people on here saying I know I should't of but.... or I think I made a mistake.... EVERYONE in this hobbies changes directions from time to time with what they think they want and MANY people try things that they "knew better" but decidied to try anyways.....

She was asking for help and suggestion not a stoning....

I don't personally know them, but I did see the setup pictures they created and they have invested a lot of time and money in their setup so I don't think they are cutting corners, and can respect them fully for putting a fish on hold while they decide. More people probably should do that as well.

Cudos for asking the question, and please don't be discourage from asking more.

I personally have struggled with adding fish once I started going as well....AND I have also added fish that were suppose to be good natured so to speak but they have turned out the exact opposite (and Vise versa) so the norm isn't always what happens.

As far as your angel is concerned it sounds like you have already convinced yourslef not to get it and I would probably stick with your gut, you can always change your mind down the road....

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Old 03-21-2009, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
What would be irresponsible is the buy the fish and bring it home... I did that once with my puffer and learned a big lesson from it. Never again I do research and ask questions. SO what I bought the fish and he is on hold... it does not mean I HAVE to take it. I will get a credit from the store. Call me irresponsible, at least I did not brain fart twice and bring it home before doing homework on it.
Sorry if my post seems rude; it wasn't intended that way. The fact is your tank is not very mature. You want to keep adding more and more fish. You've had several big problems since your tank started 4 months ago. You need to slow down. Let's get to the point though:

What are you currently stocking?

What is your overall plan for your tank?
28g Nano Cube drilled with 13g sump in stock stand. Vertex IN80 Skimmer, Phosban 150 Reactor, Apex Controller, DIY LED with stock hood, dimmable
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Old 03-21-2009, 12:31 AM
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Yes we have all lost fish by:
1. impulse buying and then trying to find out what it eats and its other needs.
2. buying a fish before we see it eating in the lfs.
3. buying a fish that is not 100% healthy because it was there was only one left in the lfs and we liked it or justifying the purchase cause we would `cure it` (after all our tank is healthier than the lfs` `we are going to `save that fish`)
4. buying a fish that deep down we know it is a difficult fish to keep but we believe that one or two posters `who have had them for months and it is healthy and eating`. Again, a justification.
5. buying too many fish at the same time. (only a newbie mistake)
6. buying a fish that requires a large tank `tangs`, a mature tank `mandarin gobies`

There are many good books like Robert Fenner`s The Conscientious Aquarist, websites like and there are many experts on this forum on certain fish and `seasoned` reefers who have already been through it all.

There is a learning curve but we should not be trying to reinvent the wheel or challenging what we already know.

We are all learning!
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Old 03-21-2009, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by TJSlayer View Post
Guys Calm down....

1) Yes they have prepaid fish that they think they will want so that no one else buys them - NOTHING worng with that AND they have not brought them home yet as they want to hopefully make sure the problem is rectified first.

2) I have counted dozens of posts from half of the people on here saying I know I should't of but.... or I think I made a mistake.... EVERYONE in this hobbies changes directions from time to time with what they think they want and MANY people try things that they "knew better" but decidied to try anyways.....

She was asking for help and suggestion not a stoning....

I don't personally know them, but I did see the setup pictures they created and they have invested a lot of time and money in their setup so I don't think they are cutting corners, and can respect them fully for putting a fish on hold while they decide. More people probably should do that as well.

Cudos for asking the question, and please don't be discourage from asking more.

I personally have struggled with adding fish once I started going as well....AND I have also added fish that were suppose to be good natured so to speak but they have turned out the exact opposite (and Vise versa) so the norm isn't always what happens.

As far as your angel is concerned it sounds like you have already convinced yourslef not to get it and I would probably stick with your gut, you can always change your mind down the road....

+1 Well said TJ.

I think some of you are missing the point of her thread. She was originally asking what reasons she could give her husband as why not to bring this fish home.

1. Regal angels will eat corals, probably the nicer corals and not the ugly ones.

2. They are known to be a difficult angel to keep long term.

3. Taking a chance that whatever happened to your other angels might happen to this one.

Other then that I'm not sure. Pretty sure she is aware of those reasons, the idea (I think) was to see if other people could come up with other reasons that make sense so she could share other peoples thoughts and opinions with her husband.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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