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![]() Hello stranger!!! Believe me with all the awesome rock I had bought from you, I have so much real estate and nooks and crannys for the fish to hide in. I have to admit the sailfin was being a little monster and infuriating the Sohal. She would make him mad so he would chase her into a rock he could not fit into, as he was at the entry she would slap him back and forth across the head with her tail. It would put him in a rage. It looked pretty hilarious and he would be looking all over for her and she would hide out. I guess he caught up to her today.
![]() I am just hoping she got put into her place and will accept the pecking order. With all my fish they have always worked things out themselves even though it was a rough couple of days. As bad as she was filleted this morning it's already healing up and she seems alright. Nobody bothers with the awesome rabbitfish you gave me. She has grown a lot since she came home... I think we can eat her soon. My husband calls her "the tuna"... ![]() Quote:
![]() I have had a few tang fights over the years! Seems like every time I add a new tang "it's on like Donkey Kong!"
The trick I use, and it has worked every time for me, is to tape a small mirror on to the outside of your tank. It seems that the only thing A tang hates more than another tang is a tang of it's own ilk. After a couple of days fighting that pesky tang in the mirror it will be used to seeing the other and, leave it alone. As I said it has worked for me. Hope this helps. |
![]() Not so sure about mirror tricks. The lavender tang that I had that I set up the mirror trick for ignored the mirror completely. But when my Salfin who wasn't bothering anyone saw the mirror he went nuts and almost killed himself from attacking the mirror.
7 tangs in my tank right now and very little aggression. Luck of the draw maybe? My Sohal and Clown tangs are the most peaceful while my regal is the most aggressive. If you do decide/manage get the Sohal out, a good friend of mine will give him a good home.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! ![]() |
![]() I'm just hoping they work it all out like they usually do... I would hate to part with Sunny, I love that guy. The sailfin is fine this morning and healing. She has been a little monster and she was put into her place. She is being more submissive now.
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One more fish should be ok?, right!!! ![]() |
![]() Good to hear she is doing better. I prefer the cautious approach as I have lost a tang to dogfights in the past.
![]() I agree with you, and wish I could get her out of the tank... or even the Sohal for that matter. It sucks to have a large tank with endless escape routes and hiding spots. I also worry about stressing her out with capturing her and putting her into my fuge... alone. She did not eat today, but she is healing and looks okay. She is still banished to the corner but does have the nerve to swim around at times. The Sohal is just making sure she stays on her side of the tank, and he is not being violent to her at all. She is a very sassy fish and I think she got knocked back down the totem pole.
It is hard to know what to do, since if I leave her in the display she could get killed, but if I QT her, the stress of that alone may kill her... I would hate to lose her either way and feel like my hands are tied at the moment. |
![]() If she is in the upper corner try this.
Get a very large net or smallish trout net and move lighting etc away from the capture corner. Set everything up ready to go stool, chair and whatever you need. Wait until dark and with the net handy, swoop her up quickly before knows what is happening. Put her in the qt with lights off and a big rock she can hide in/under. Keep the lights off in the QT, feed her garlic soaked foods and avoid going near the tank. If you dont think you can do it get someone who can because the swoop needs to be quick Alternatively stick a nori on a magnet on the other end of the tank and while the sohol is busy toss some food her way, and than, go back to the other end and keep feeding the sohol food tidbits to keep him busy. If the nori magnet is at the top you may want to try scooping the sohal but be quick. There will be water everywhere so dont do this in front of your wife. Good Luck Last edited by naesco; 03-20-2009 at 02:18 AM. |
![]() To funny cause she is the wife!!!!
![]() Hahaa I am the one that does all the dirty work. My hubby built the entire system, so does his impulse buys and I do all the damage control and maintain the system as well as peace in the tank.
My sailfin is savvy, she is under my rock cave and does not venture out much. I will get hubby to distract the sohal so I can feed her a little. I will see what I can do when the lights go out, but these fish are not stupid. They already got netted once or twice in their lives and REMEMBER THE NET! I can pick it up and hold it in front of the tank when there is upheaval, then POOF, I do not have a single fish in the tank anywhere, aside of the clowns in their anemones. Thanks for the awesome advise. |