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Old 03-04-2009, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
It is indeed flukes... I added water to the Ziplock bags and see thousands of them floating in the water around the fish.

From the big thread I posted a link to, the Prazipro appears to be reef safe. Still doing research on it now. I hope I can find the meds today and I have to figure out what to do with everything now.

Taking a nice hike to avoid a panic attack and will be calling all the LFS while I'm doing that. At least I have answers now since nothing else made sense. Reefcentral people say it is a mystery killer and the thread I posted a link to has been more then helpful

I want to thank all the members of canreef for bringing up the flukes to help me pinpoint something. I owe you guys and thanks again...

To be as delicate as I can. Adding...I repeat adding any medication to a tank is a recipe for disaster. A few people have success ( really is) Most people who have been doing this hobby long enough IF they have to treat their fish they do it in another tank. Adding medications to an established reef tank is not good.
1. medications (some) kill bacteria...ALL bacteria.
2. Medications kill parasites on fish (kill ALL parasites...yes even copepods)
3. Medications kill fungal infections...(most will also kill inverts, corals etc..)

There is a very specific reason people with well established tanks and a long history in this hobby (most of the bigger tanks on big tanks need more forward thinking than a small tank..the potential for losses in a big well established tank are greater) use 2 things.

1. Quarantine tank
2. Patience (for reasons other than one would think)

Quarantine tank - MARINE and ORNAMENTAL TROPICAL fish go through a myriad of shippers and wholesalers systems all different and all contaminated (treated, but usually there is something) this single fact should deter anyone from putting a fish directly in their system without observation at home. Most people have small quarantine quarantine a tang you need a tank that will suffice. Quarantine is to medicate and to observe WITHOUT inducing stress if it can be helped. Putting a tang or a big angel or any fish that needs a 180 or more in a tank that is 40-50 gallons, well you get what you deserve i think (this is not directed at anyone in particular just everyone in particular ) Once a disease is in the main tank you run into a myriad of troubles that usually results in a few losses at best and a crash at worst.

Specific in your case - research all you wish on medications but you will find big tanks that are well established (ie years and years) these people know what they are doing and DO NOT risk medicating a main tank(unless threatened with a total tank loss, and by then some do indeed panic...but not many) There simply is no medication you can put in your main tank that will not harm it in some way...if it doesn't it is a placebo and you just got ripped off.

2. Patience, as people have most assuredly told you rushing to stock a tank is a recipe for disaster. Both because the system is not ready for it....lots of live rock does not mean lots of bacteria...bacteria grows as the demand for it is increased. As ammonia is introduced to the tank eventually the bacteria we need is created..slowly. then the system is ready for the bio load it is at. Then another fish is introduced, more ammonia, then more bacteria, then bio load the tank can handle at that moment...see the pattern here? Also patience is required in order to OBSERVE fish....many many fish come to us that are sick (parasite, fungus, bacteria, cyanide) the only what to find out is to observe (hence the quarantine tank(s) ). When one rushes this process they inevitably loose fish...either blaming the store(s), themselves or a combination. A lot of people new to this hobby get discouraged and blame themselves (I see a bit of this in you messages) which it is hard to admit is ones one fault...but it can be prevented. Lots and lots of people will disagree with the use of a quarantine tank for medicating and observation, but I will say and say it quite bluntly they are not what i would call bright people in the sense they are taking a huge risk that is not needed. If you have a big system it is moronic not to have an equally sized system for quarantining. Some very great people in this hobby will say quarantining is something they don't practise and their tanks are fine...this is nothing more than luck, their day so to speak...will come. This is not a knock on the intelligence per say of people, but their intelligence related to the hobby.

I have noticed you have added a lot of fish in a short time also have met you and seen sick fish in tanks where you have bought your fish ( I will not name the store people, do your own looking when you purchase fish, you may pm me and i will tell you the stores it is not) I even mentioned some of the fish looked like they had a fungus or parasite, but that is neither here nor there. But an observation period allows one to see these things first hand....when one quarantines for 4-6 weeks then anything bad happens in that tank and can be isolated and dealt with.

This is not meant to flame anyone only to offer advice...if anyones advice is to forgo a quarantine tank because YOU didn't need one...keep your inane babble to yourselves...people new to this hobby already get enough useless advice they don't need more. same goes for medications...i repeat medicating a Display tank is simply asking for problems.


Take this anyway you wish.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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Old 03-04-2009, 06:44 PM
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I think I remember you.

I agree with what you are saying totally. I don't want to risk anything. The only fish I am having issues with are the angels, aside of the coral beauty. The tangs, puffer and rabbitfish are in mint condition.

We made mistakes and I can take the I told you so's. I have no intention of doing anything right at the moment until I figure out how to do things. We screwed up I admit it. It is hard to post about info and help knowing this, but it is not about my pride... it is about my fish.

Thanks for the input I need it.
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:50 PM
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One problem I see with this is flukes well fresh water flukes any way are to small to be seen with the naked eye you need a micro scope to see them. I know this from many years of koi keeping I have taken a koi heath course with Dr. Eric Johnson DVM. he is a world renowned koi vet. And done many scrapings on my koi looking for flukes. If they are from the same family you wont be able to see them.
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Old 03-05-2009, 01:42 AM
Alberta-newb Alberta-newb is offline
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I try to avoid medicating an entire DT if at all possible, the one exception I made was treating for flatworms which I believe resulted in the death of one of my favorite fish. So personally I only use Prazi-Pro in a QT tank. That being said however, I was also concerned at one time about parasites and not having QT space for all my fish I opted for an anti-parasitic that is food based. This medicates the fish directly as opposed to treating the entire water column. What I used is a product called Gel-tek (found at Petland). It's an orange thick liquid that contains praziquentel, as well as two other anti-parasitic meds. It's supposed to be tasty to fish directly but found my fish ignored it so instead I soaked mysid shrimp with it. I held off feeding for a while so everyone was hungry then target fed each fish that I was worried about. No problems, no loss of any inverts either. Not ideal, but worked when QTing everything isn't a viable option.
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Old 03-05-2009, 02:06 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
It is indeed flukes... I added water to the Ziplock bags and see thousands of them floating in the water around the fish.
Are you sure you did not see scales floating around? Same shape.
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Old 03-05-2009, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
We made mistakes and I can take the I told you so's. I have no intention of doing anything right at the moment until I figure out how to do things. We screwed up I admit it. It is hard to post about info and help knowing this, but it is not about my pride... it is about my fish.

Thanks for the input I need it.
I applaud you for this. It is one thing to make mistake but it is great when the mistakes are recognized and faced head on. I personally hate asking for help or admitting I made a mistake, but you put your fish ahead of your pride. I hope that everything works out for you.
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Old 03-05-2009, 05:15 AM
Trigger Man Trigger Man is offline
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I think RC carries the medication if you are still looking for it. Good Luck with treatment.
RSM 250. Clownfish, Fox face, Blue tang, Yellow tang, Kole tang, Clown tang, Coral beauty angel, French Angel, splendid dottyback. CUC, softies, lps, sps.
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Old 03-05-2009, 05:25 AM
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I would agree that the fluke diagnosis appears to match the evidence, could be a combination of a skin fluke (causing skin cloudiness and hemorrhaging) and a gill fluke (affecting breathing).

There are many different types of flukes (a fish disease book I have claims ~1500), most of which have a narrow host range in nature. This would explain why only your angelfish appear to have been affected.

I've had battles with flukes in the past, and they can be very resistant. As others have said, first of all, treatment in a QT is required. The use of a QT can also give you a range of treatment options, from the usual prolonged immersion treatment listed on the medicine bottles, or short-term baths (say 30 minutes to 3 hours) with more concentrated dosages of medications. I would recommend the book Fish Diseases by Edward Noga if you want to learn more about disease and treatment.

The effort to catch the Queen Angel for transfer to a QT, even if it means partially dismantling the tank, will give the fish the best chance. A word of caution on setting up a rush QT ... aim to do 25% water changes daily until the biological cycle is established, and really monitor the ammonia level (it can spike within a day and kill --- so have some de-toxifier on hand such as Amquel). Personally, I believe ammonia is the largest cause of death for fish in QT, from my own experience as well, unfortunately.

I would start with prazipro, and next go with formalin if the situation does not improve.

Flukes can double in as little as 24 hours ... good luck in saving the queen.
- Lyle

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29 gallon nano-tank
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Old 03-05-2009, 05:45 AM
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If you are having a hard time catching your angel I find waiting a couple of hours after everything is sleeping makes everything easier to catch, as the fish tend to move a lot slower if at all. You will need to know where the angel hides out, and then you have a window of a couple of minutes before the fish gets back to being fully alert.
RSM 250. Clownfish, Fox face, Blue tang, Yellow tang, Kole tang, Clown tang, Coral beauty angel, French Angel, splendid dottyback. CUC, softies, lps, sps.
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Old 03-05-2009, 06:06 AM
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I just tried to get the angel... but he hides in a back corner under the rocks. I made so many hiding spots and caves in the tank, I really made things hard for myself... I'm going to RC to see about a fish traps and meds when they open in the morning. I am not looking forward to the next day or two while I try to make things right for the fish. It has been a challenging few days but I don't give up so easily. I just wish I knew what this was before hand. I was treating my fish for infections and ich when I caught the others... no wonder it didn't help. Thanks for all the help everyone, both on the forums and PMs. It is greatly appreciated.
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