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Old 03-03-2009, 09:39 PM
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Hardest fish for me to keep alive has been Clownfish... True Perculas, all of them.. I have basically decided that I won't keep clowns anymore, I've lost 5 of them in my time.. I don't know what it is about them or me, but they just do not survive more than a couple weeks.

I can't really comment on my longest lived fish, but all the fish in my current tank have an opportunity to take the title.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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Old 03-03-2009, 10:08 PM
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7+ years with a Purple Tang. Got him as a SW rookie and tank was only up for abut 6 wks when I added him.
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Old 03-03-2009, 10:50 PM
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I have never been able to keep any of the following alive for any reasonable time. They just peter off and die for no apparent reason.

1. Any angel
2. Powder Blue, and Achilles tangs
3. Copperband Butterflyfish
4. Cleaner and Leopard Wrasse
5. Any anthias

I simply won't try them anymore because so many reefers have the same problem.

Longest Fish I have had

Betty- powder brown tang 11-13 years (died of old age.)
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:01 PM
Canuckgod420 Canuckgod420 is offline
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For me the hardest fish to keep have always been the Dragonface Pipefish....never lasted more than 3-4 months.

My oldest fish are my yellow tang and my lyretail anthias, both been with us for 4 years.
Also my 2 madarins, kole tang and copperband butterfly are about 3 years old.
180G tank, custom DIY stand, Sunlight Supply-Sun Blaze 48" 8 bulb T5HO fixture, EuroReef CS6-1 and Vertex in 180 skimmers, 1/4 HP chiller, Tunze wavebox, 40G sump, and 40G refugium.
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:32 PM
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My longest surviving fish so far are a pair of tank raised Ocellaris clownfish, who are turning 9 in August (my first marine fish too!). I also have a royal gramma who is almost as old... probably close to 8. These guys have survived brutal tank cleanings, hair algae epidemics, and several tank moves (one a 36 hour move from BC to Alberta).

The hardest fish to keep for me was my flame angel... cost me $100 and seemed to be doing great, but died a month later. My three green chromis also died mysteriously after a month.
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Old 03-04-2009, 01:23 AM
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My purple tang has been with us since the beginning 15 months ago now. He has lived through three tank moves, ich, and my stupidity. My percula clowns lived just as long, but my puffer ate one and the other lives in a peaceful nano now. I also have damsel fish from the beginning as well but they will live forever since they are the devil himself.

Since this new tank my only fish issues are with the two angels, my Majestic and Emperor. Sadly they just got sick and died very rapidly for no reason that I could see. I have two others that are healthy, but they are form tank shut downs and are super healthy. The two I lost are form a store and perhaps they are not as hardy as the fish that have been in an aquarium for quite some time.

I won't be doing anymore angel since it is not worth the chance. I think my healthiest fish are the puffer and my tangs, they just thrive. My angels looked wonderful, but they are not as interactive as the tangs so perhaps I should have seen something much sooner.

Thanks for the replies everyone. I know what fish not to get or try ever again.
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Old 03-04-2009, 03:10 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
What species is the hardest to keep for you and why? Flame angel, I got it from a bad source and never was able to get it to eat. Lasted for about a month before it died. I would get another one if I could find a healthy one.

Do some species have lower immune systems? Not really sure, probably though.

What is the oldest most healthy fish you have had? My two clown fish, I've had them for over 3 years.

What kind of fish did you lose despite a perfect water and feeding and such? My mysis and pellet eating mandarin He was about 6-7 years old so I'm guessing it was from old age.

What kind of fish would you avoid getting no matter what? probably an sps only eating type of fish
Answers in quote in red.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:05 AM
gixxer604 gixxer604 is offline
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easyest- Marine Betta had him for 4 years with 3 tank changes from 30gal-80gal to 220gal

hardest- power blue tang, had him in my 80gal tank, always got itc.
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Old 03-10-2009, 03:54 PM
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Hardest fish: probably powder blue, moorish idol, mandarin dragonet and copperband butteryfly
All of these are alive and doing fine in my tank but I still consider them some of the most difficult to keep, along with the achilles tang, never tried to keep it though.
Easiest: My true perc, been alive for a couple years since i started the hobby
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