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Old 02-14-2009, 03:43 AM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
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Originally Posted by traco View Post
Halides have to be suspended though? Was looking at the thread on "Fish Need It" for lighting. $70 for a two bulb 54 watt T5 (then shipping costs). I see why you guys have big tanks, you need to have the space up top for lighting, right? lol Now if I moved everything to the 66 gallon, I'd have 2 more inches for lights. I could then use my single strip power compact lights and have room for the two bulb T5 light.
They don't *have* to be suspended, you can get hoods with MH in them. Or modify your existing hood with retrofit kits.

Of course, MH is not required if you are only having softies like zoas... just use what you have, add the T5s, and keep the corals in the upper part of the tank. Unless you want them on the sand bed (if you have one), then I would say go with MH... of course if you do that, you might as well get some LPS and then some SPS to go with your softies
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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Old 02-14-2009, 05:16 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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I have the same problem. I started in Oct 2007 with a 77 gal FOWLR, small sump and 4-T12's. Just going to have fish only. A couple months later I changed to 6-T5's added some softies and a small skimmer. Another couple of months and I started buying LPS and my first SPS. Added a Phosban reactor. Tank full, need bigger tank. By the fall of 2008 I changed to a 120 gal, 40 gal sump and 2x175w MH plus actinics. Really started buying alot of nice SPS. Had to buy a bigger skimmer. Not enough light. After 2 months I upgraded to 2-250w MH and 6-T5's. Hauling buckets is a drag, need ATO. More SPS. Still not enough light. Another couple of months and I upgraded to 2x400w MH plus actinics. Added moonlights. Now I am looking for a controller...

I think Reefer Anonymous is an excellent idea. Could help with that really tough question my friends ask, and I struggle to answer, "So how much did you spend on this?"
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