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![]() Bob, I think you've made a valid point concerning the resources of South Africa but at the time, of equal or greater importance, was the strategic location as a landing site for the eastern trade route. The British Empire relied on this. I also hope we don't forget the feelings of the Dutch colonies towards the tribesman of South Africa. I can't remember the biblical word they named the indigenous races but it inferred beast. If you want to paint the Dutch as innocent farmers that's your right, it will take a lot of paint though.
Troy lusus naturae |
![]() To be fair Troy, I think Bob said "First the Dutch stole the country ..." etc. I'm not sure he meant to imply that the Dutch were only innocent victims in the whole mess. ... Sadly that whole area down there is one very messed up state of affairs.
-- Tony My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee! |
![]() I missed that, sorry Bob.
Troy lusus naturae |
![]() I also belive that this war has alot to do with oil and setting up a sypathetic goverment. In my opinion Bush has little more to do then set up a cult in his name and have people refer to him as god. Does anyone know how many weapons the US has sold to Iraq??? Mabey before going to war because someone else is a bad person, some should assess their situation and pull the rafter out of their own eye before they drop bombs to remove a needle out of their opposers eye.
"Some people kids...." |
![]() I was not in favour of starting this war. However, now that the war is on I think we should completely support the Americans.
At one time the Arab regions were a centre of world culture and intellectual achievement. Advances in science and medicine, the decimal system of numbers, and the concept of the number zero can be credited to the Arabs. Unfortunately in the last few centuries things have gone downhill over there. Lately the Arabs' greatest invention has been the practice of torturing people by beating them on the soles of their feet. I sincerely hope that George Bush's troop beat the absolute crap out of those Iraqis. They are a savage people who deserve whatever they get. And I am damn tired of Arab terrorists blowing things (and people) up. Although many of us criticize the Americans, the fact is that we enjoy security, peace, and wealth here in Canada largely due to the protection of our American neighbours. Send in the B-52's. |
![]() In my opinion, to make a statement about terriosts without including the name "bush", is not looking at the whole picture.
Same sh#t different A@@hole!!! I dont think saddam is a good man in any way but to say that he is the "only bad man" is a load of crap. hitler bush sadam the list goes on |
![]() i am all for the USA going in and i agree that it is not good that canadians didnt go in. we have to learn from history. he dicked around 11 years ago and played the same games he was he is playing now. the people there must not like him you know becaue of the civil upriseing in ( i forget the name of the citie) in one city in iraq today. or maybe they like being terrorized by saddams sons or maybe they also like haveing to watch what the do and say because of the secret police and there spies every where. from all this bable i am trying to say that the people in iraq shouldn't have to deal with saddam . by going to war i think we are taking the lesser evil route.
yeah i think the usa has some intrests to worry about but i dont think the major thiing is oil. |
![]() The PM has made a decision, do you think we have a choice? Sure we can speak our minds but it's up the head honcho's to call the shots. Do the american's need us? Of course not, they have the worlds biggest military but I sure think we should of backed them up, even if it was just with words. We sure took the wimpy way out. Sure, nobody likes going to war but service men and women will and have died already. Maybe we just don't want to kill Canadian troops because the coalition simply doesn't need the small contribution we would offer (compared to what's over there, 300'000 troops)
I gotta run, but just what was on my mind at the time. later |
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![]() you are correct that the arab world was once the pinnacle of civilization. their moorish palaces in spain and the scientific legacy they have left prove it. to dismiss them as evil is a sin in itself. there are arab groups that hate iraq as much as you do. that said, i believe that the rise of pan-islam is imminent, and that western culture, founded on rationality and ends-justify-the-means actions, will soon be overshadowed, perhaps forever, by a society founded on conservativeness and absolutism. the right-wing spirit you embody is more inkeeping with the ideas of hardline muslims the world over than it is with left-wing liberal western politics. i urge caution and consideration before making any rash judgements. history repeats itself. now this is my kind of argument! ![]() ----------------------- edit - looks like the original got deleted... if this gets deleted i hope someone at least appreciates the crap i can speel thanks to my intro poli sci class ![]()
-Quinn Man, n. ...His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth, and Canada. - A. Bierce, Devil's Dictionary, 1906 |