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Old 07-12-2008, 01:24 PM
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Looks like your almost ready for water. Great job yous two.Whats the eta on the birth of your new "baby"?
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 07-13-2008, 04:36 AM
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Not sure on exact date really. Adley is being very impatient, so I would imagine quite soon.

Update: There is RO in the tank and just threw in some salt. Leaving it to mix and heat until tomorrow. My impeller shaft on my seio 1100 broke, which really sucks as that is pretty much my main flow generator right there. Haven't even gotten to use it yet. If anyone knows where I can get "the shaft" (*breaks out giggling* ) please pm me. No seriously though, I really need one. No...not that one......the impeller one

We tried to attempt to design some kind of pvc frame. Will post how that turns out later.

No idea how we are going to hang the lights. We were going to go with plant hangers and attach to the wall, but because the tank is now rather far from the wall due to the sump, not sure what to do.

small rant: And lastly, our landlord increased our rent to a ridiculous $1200 today. Considering the place we live in is a *insert expletive here* and not worth that much $ we are going to have to move. I have been trying to tell Adley that setting the tank up before we move is a dumb idea, but he won't listen. *sigh* Ah well, more to come. Hopefully when we move we don't lose too much.... (Haven't even started looking for a place yet.)
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Old 07-16-2008, 01:22 AM
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Date! Have not got a background yet, still deciding how I want to do that. So without further adieu here's the pics. So far only loss was my fire shrimp. When I moved everything I could not find him anywhere. Guess something ate him (couple hitcher crabs suspected but cannot find.)

The "basket" on the left is housing my second gbta, due to be sold soon. That's my cherry shrimp tank over on the right.

This pic ^ best shows the lighting. it's quite white with a hint of blue.

Will be adding this little fellow today, probably last time I'll ever see him

Tech specs:

phosban reactor
euroreef skimmer rs135
multiple powerheads (not done here yet, some need fixing)
x2 lumenbright reflectors
-->running aquaconnect bulbs, 250W SE on galaxy ballasts
coralife superskimmer 65 (not sure if I'll keep it there, just threw it on as the tank was a mess from all the rocks being moved around)
refugium in one chamber of sump with screw in cf light
tiny metal fan over sump from wal-mart
ocean runner 3500

To come:
-fixing my second seio1100
-adding tunze osmolator (need ac power cord for it-lost somewhere)
-possible addition of second fan from wal-mart
-adding my first ever clam (excited about buying one)

livestock: listed in my sig

Last edited by sharuq1; 07-17-2008 at 04:42 AM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:00 PM
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Just a few samples from the album above...

Last edited by sharuq1; 07-26-2008 at 01:50 AM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:56 PM
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looks great. i love the way the rockwork turned out
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Old 11-22-2008, 09:16 PM
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Well it's been quite some time since I posted an update. I've been living and breathing clinical practicum (I'm a nursing student) for the last while and have just had no spare time to speak of. We had quite a bit of a change the last couple of months. The landlord raised our rent somewhere in the vicinity of "utterly ridiculous" considering we were living in a dump so we said, "hey if we're going to pay that much, may as well live in a nicer place", and so the decision to move was made. I really did not want to move that tank.

Well, moving day came and so with it the problems. It was pretty much the day from hell. Some heaters I had lent out were found to be broken due to getting sw in them, so I thought I would have enough and was wrong. The 250W Jager heater decided today would be a good day to stay on and never turn off....and a whole 20g garbage bin of LR got fried. The sump cracked on the bottom. Bins got cold, corals died or browned out to look almost was NOT a good day.

We put everything into rubbermaids and took it to the new place, two of them were set up with heaters, air stones and a very small powerhead each, while the rock went into the tank after we'd taken the time to refill it. The ammonia in the tank went so high the test for it was off the scale. Needless to say I was bummed and I almost gave up.
my sw "tank" for 1.5 mo.
the chaeto bin
sump (and "repair")
Later on in the week I came home to find my freshwater tanks cold as ice. The 72g looked cloudy and gross. Everything but three "trooper" paracyp. nigrippnis in my 33g freshwater died, including my gorgeous breeding iceburgs, rotkeil severums, ottos & the loaches. The only other fish to live were my iceburg fry, of which I had 9, who were in a different tank and my cherry shrimp, who I later sold all of except 5. I ordered two new heaters from a great guy on albertaaquatica.
RIP my cichlid buddies
After about a couple weeks, with alot of encouragement and oh...nagging...from my fiance Adley, I finally mended the sump with a piece of glass to the bottom and silicone. With luck that will hold it. In all for the sw tank, we lost our two signal gobies, the cleaner wrasse, a cleaner shrimp, several sps from Snappy a beautiful yellow acro, several corals and the lawnmower blenny over the last month and a half of waiting and waiting for the water in the tank to finish cycling and the heater fiasco. I tried everything to speed up the cycle, including using the product "cycle".

The longer we had to wait the more I felt like giving up as I saw thing after thing die or look terrible. With every water test I wanted to pull my hair out. We also couldn't figure out how we were going to hang the lights as we didn't have the option this time of drilling into the ceiling. First, Adley made a..."contraption" that is...well...probably one of the ugliest ways to hang a light I have ever seen in my life. I really did not want it to stay looking that way, so I searched out a "prettier" method to hang the lights over the next couple weeks. Eventually I "borrowed it" and precariously put it over the bins to hang one mH for the sps in the blue bin.
"the contraption"

Finally after a month and a half of waiting, the water was safe enough for life. Adley and I put everything thing in with much swearing and sweating and breaking of sps. As I was examining the water in the bin for any more life, I saw a darting small "thing". At first I was like, "oh crap, and that must be a frigging flatworm, perfect!" (We didn't have fw but I figured after all that's gone wrong so far that would just be the icing on the cake). I reached in to pluck it out and to my surprise, it was the bee shrimp! Later that day I also saw the pom-pom crab come out of a rock to wave his poms. Finally, the tank looks like a tank again.

Well, going to go upload some pics, cus I like pics!

Last edited by sharuq1; 11-22-2008 at 09:46 PM.
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Old 11-22-2008, 09:33 PM
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This is how my idea worked out for hanging the lights. It's a couple of those clothes hanger rods and two curved ones from "no-one-knows anything Depot" with a chain and holes drilled in them etc. Could have cut them a bit shorter, but left them long just in case we want to add more lights or something in the future.

The lights are hanging at different heights in this pic as the lamp on the left is newer than the one on the right. the left is an aquaconnect 14k, the right is a 15K XM. The zoos really blanch out with the the AC lamp as it is quite bright. I do like the blue of the XM but the sps prefers the AC. We'll see how this works out as time goes on. The GBTA hid under a rock this morning (I changed the bulb last night as he kept moving up the rock getting too close to the sps)

Sump shot, the green bin is for top off water

water change "bucket"

half-dead coral island

This gorg looks pretty darn happy


My favorite birdsnest, I am so happy this pulled through! (bought from Snappy)

Last edited by sharuq1; 11-22-2008 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 11-22-2008, 09:53 PM
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Default Pics from today, Nov. 22/08

What on earth IS this thing? It moves, it's covered in a mucous shroud and inside it looks like a curled up armadillo, spiney. never seen anything like it.

The tips are coming back, they had died in the bin due to the water level dropping at times.So cool they are coming back purple on the yellow one!

The zoo tower

I left the dead coral skeletons in the tank. After the story I read on how someone had polyps come back after 6 months of it being dead, I thought why not. There are several dead coral skeletons in the tank. I left the yellow acro in there just in case. I swear I could see a 3mm area of fluorescence on it, maybe it will come to life again.....

Eventually I may get around to covering up the pvc structure a bit, but just don't have the time right now.

Last edited by sharuq1; 12-22-2008 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 11-26-2008, 02:55 AM
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Aw crap Kelly. Sorry to hear about your move from hell. You have to take something positive from going through something like that. Like if you ever thought maybe I shouldnt have added that coral or that fish this is your opportunity to change things. Next time yous two head down this way let me know and I will snap a couple frags off for ya.
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 03-30-2009, 02:32 AM
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Been a long time since I posted on here, I guess. Just returned back from a very short trip to Calgary. Unexpected for us that we`d get to go, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. Was very nice to see some familiar faces and meet some new people as well! We visited Red Coral and Golds and came back with goodies. I'm not great at taking pictures and my camera isn't very good, but hey I took some anyway just for canreef, lol.

Purple yuma

Blue clove (thanks MMAX!)

New "baby" cleaner shrimp

Pink mille mini colony

Only pic I could get with the new fish in it, a gorgeous powder brown tang! Look close and you can spot it on the left. He/she? is still hiding in the back for the most part or just too darn fast. Great color on it too.

Frag I made from the ribbon gorg

Couple of new sps frags on here from Slickfork (TY!)

Just a pic for fun

Anemone with the eggs in its bubbles....eggs are gone now, but it looks like it is regaining color (It had suffered a food poisoning incident due to some bad food from petsmart. We really thought it was going to be toast, but it may yet recover.)

Note to myself so I don't forget names of a few things in my tank (previosuly in sig):gbta, rics, frogspawn, gsp, zoos, caulastrea, digi, monti cap, birdsnest, acros, stylophora, pom-pom xenia, Pseudoterogorgia bipinnata, Pterogorgia citrina, yellow-polyp toadstool, pipe organ, gr. mushrooms, blue cloves, favia

Last edited by sharuq1; 08-09-2009 at 02:19 AM.
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