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Old 02-18-2008, 12:39 AM
CLINT CLINT is offline
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best to find someone with a whole system that they are looking to get rid of.It will save you a lot of money and as long as you are patient you'll find something your looking for.Clint
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Old 02-18-2008, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by nats View Post
I have been waiting but not too many people here on the island are wanting to sell a complete system. I went to a local store and they are saying around 4200.00 plus taxes to start up a 90 gal with live rock.:

depending on the type of setup you want, you should be able to do a 90 anywhere from 1600 - 3000, buying all new stuff. Most of what you need can be found used though...
Rock is cheaper to have it shipped from Van, just under $5/lb shipped. Salt can be bought locally for the same price as Van. Lights can get pricey, depends on what you want. Lots on here used though. Sumps can be found cheap, or make your own. The tank and stand new can be a lot, but shopping around for price will get you a good deal.
J&L or OA can ship most dry goods quite a bit cheaper than local, but you can haggle with the stores here once you know what the mainland price is.
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Old 02-18-2008, 08:05 PM
nats nats is offline
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Thanks for that information. I am ready to start my tank but I am hesitating because I am not sure what equipment to buy and the initial start up like plumbing kind of worries me. The only advice I get is from the store selling the equipment. I would realy like a equipment list from folks here. I plan to keep an asortment of corals, clams and some fish. I want a 90 gallon reef ready tank and I plan to purchase 250w mh coralife lights. I do go to the mainland on a regular basis and I have a van.
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Old 02-18-2008, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by nats View Post
.... I do go to the mainland on a regular basis and I have a van.
Then get a used system from someone on the mainland. There are lots that coma available.
BTW I have full system available but is a 72 gallon. Same size as a 90g but 4 inche less tall. Custom stand/sump etc.
PM me if interested.
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Old 03-08-2008, 04:47 PM
Megs Megs is offline
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if you browse usedvictoria the occasional good deal on a whole set-up comes along, but with used set-ups its better if you know something about the equiptment so you dont end up with crappy stuff or stuff you dont need, though you could always post on here for advice or as someone else mentioned
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