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Old 01-02-2008, 03:44 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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sweet thanks for the advice =) I'm going to have to buy a few large rubbermaid containers I think =p

so when you put the then cured rock into the tank is it safe to then start slowly stocking ?
or it is still advised to wait and do tests ?
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Old 01-02-2008, 03:54 AM
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Originally Posted by asherah View Post
sweet thanks for the advice =) I'm going to have to buy a few large rubbermaid containers I think =p

so when you put the then cured rock into the tank is it safe to then start slowly stocking ?
or it is still advised to wait and do tests ?
Test - it's beter to be safe and make sure you are throught the ammonia cycle than it is to lose stock
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Last edited by Brent F; 01-23-2011 at 06:23 PM.
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Old 01-02-2008, 05:08 AM
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Oh and reef ceramics are quite nice...if you like that sort of thing.
there are other locations as well....just a hint as to what they look like.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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Old 01-02-2008, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by asherah View Post
sweet thanks for the advice =) I'm going to have to buy a few large rubbermaid containers I think =p

so when you put the then cured rock into the tank is it safe to then start slowly stocking ?
or it is still advised to wait and do tests ?
If you're going to cycle the rocks in rubbermaids, then I would suggest you wait about a week before you start to stock (go slow and light) just to make sure everything is functioning properly, temp is where you want it and stable, and sand is settled (this can take a week on its own). In that time I would test every second day for ammonia and nitrites. If both stay at 0 for the whole week, then I would test nitrates at the end of the week and as long as they are below 10 I would say you're safe to start stocking. If you get ANY ammonia or nitrite, then I would wait longer. I like to wait at least one week of 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite before I feel it's safe to say the cycle is over. JMHO.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-02-2008, 05:44 AM
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I'm missing something. What's the advantage of cycling the rock in a Rubbermaid tub verses doing it in the display tank?
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Last edited by Brent F; 01-23-2011 at 06:24 PM.
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Old 01-02-2008, 05:46 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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You can "cook" rocks in remote containers more easily.
This and that.
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Old 01-02-2008, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Brent F View Post
I'm missing something. What's the advantage of cycling the rock in a Rubbermaid tub verses doing it in the display tank?
Easier to clean up the gunk that comes off the rock in a rubbermaid then to have it in the display. Plus you can catch any unwanted critters easier too.
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Old 01-02-2008, 07:47 PM
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Having rocks in a rubbermaid puts them in complete darkness. This will help kill off anything photosythetic such as nuisance algaes.

Secondly, you'll have a much easier time removing the crud that the rock will slough off. This crud contributes to increased phosphates and nitrates which, in turn, feeds nuisance algaes. If you change the water out of the rubbermaid on a regular basis, you are denying the algae its food source.

The whole process repeated over the course of several weeks or months is known as "cooking" rock. This is opposed to simply "curing" the rock which only involves cycling the rock through an ammonia spike. Cooking is a much longer and more labourious process, but it can achieve much more than curing. Cooking is not necessary with a new tank and "fresh" live rock from an LFS, but can be a last resort to someone fighting a never ending battle with algae, cyano, etc.

If you've purchased "old" live rock some someone getting out of the hobby, you often find yourself dealing with very poorly maintained live rock full of crud and crap and covered with various types of undesirable algae. In fact, you just may have bought the reason why the seller gave up the hobby in the first place!

Some people take even more extreme steps such as lowering/increasing both the salinity and temperature of the cooking rock to further dissuade algae from returning.

Again, cooking is not required for a new live rock, but simply having new live rock in a dark container for a few weeks before putting it into the display is always helpful as it pretty much ensures that you don't have to stare at an empty tank and you won't get started on the wrong foot.

Last edited by fkshiu; 01-03-2008 at 05:04 AM.
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Old 01-03-2008, 03:29 AM
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^ Good post!

Originally Posted by 'Ol Nobodaddy View Post
Oh and reef ceramics are quite nice...if you like that sort of thing.
there are other locations as well....just a hint as to what they look like.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I thought she was talking about those ceramic rings and stars and crap that they put in filters for biological filtration. LOL!
~ Mindy

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