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Old 12-10-2007, 07:04 PM
saltaddict saltaddict is offline
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Copper Band Buttefly works best if you have a large tank.
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Old 12-10-2007, 07:04 PM
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joe's juice works for me. I make sure I get them while they're real small.
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Old 12-10-2007, 07:37 PM
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I used to use Joe's Juice but found that every week or so they would pop up again. Went with the peppermint shrimp and no sign of the aiptasia. Also, the shrimp tend to hide in the rockwork so I never really see them.
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Old 12-10-2007, 07:51 PM
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I don't know if this is why it works, or whether I'm lucky, but I use this method albert explained to me when using joe's juice.

I turn off the tank's pumps and filters for 5 minutes to bring the water stagnant. I make sure the lights are off so nothing gets hot.

I then cover the aiptasia in a little pile of joe's juice so it's completely subsumed in it. It's like this little pyramid like pile of joe's juice completely covering it.

I let it sit like that for 15 minutes with the water stagnant so the joe's juice doesn't get blown away.

Afterwards I use another syringe and suck up the joe's juice pile and I make sure I get all the little bits of aiptasia with it. It kinda disintegrates into little pieces of aiptasia.

After I'm sure I have all the joe's juice and aiptasia bits, then I turn the pumps and lights back on.

And from my experience it's never been a daily battle when using joe's juice. I scour over all new rock and I usually find a little aiptasia polyp before it is even larger than 1/4". I find that aiptasia's quite common from my own experience but it's not a "daily battle." It's more something you have to watch for and be prepared for because I think most people will inevitably experience aiptasia in their tank at one point or another.

I'm kinda uneasy about buying rock from somone getting out of the hobby though. Sometimes somone's getting out of the hobby because certain things they haven't been able to control are just out of hand so they're getting out. I experienced some sub-standard rock from somone "getting out" of the hobby before; got some bad rock covered in aiptasia. Took some drastic measures to deal with it.
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Last edited by kwirky; 12-10-2007 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 12-11-2007, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Puff View Post
i also have a majano anemone, but i just cant bring myself to kill the little guy...he doesnt QUITE look like a majano as its hard for me to kill it cause it's so cool. brown with a BRIGHT green mouth
I would be nervous about leaving that majano anemone in the tank. Maybe it isn't, but maybe it is and it could cause problems in the future.
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Old 12-11-2007, 07:36 AM
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Default majano

Kill it.Seen few tanks that were very infested with that.Rather have aiptasia any day,To kill those stick needle with joe juice right into its mouth.
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Old 12-12-2007, 05:34 AM
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Don't have any Joe's around right now, always thought it was just kalk mixed with fish food anyway. Never worked when I used it.

Been moving over some rock for a bit and trying to eliminate the aiptasia before it goes back in. Left it out overnite, put kalk on it, put salt mix on it, put vinegar on it, put it back in the tank. Instant aiptasia.

I've put the rock outside, now a damn chinook, I'm sure the aiptasia will survive....
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Old 12-12-2007, 05:40 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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Default aiptasia

Joe Juice works everytime for me.I think the trick to it is shoot it in slowly without touching it so it inhales it.
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Old 12-12-2007, 07:12 PM
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Originally Posted by surgeonfish View Post
I'm not sure there is any good way to totally eradicate these pests indefinitely. From my reading, most of the methods only temporarily control them. Once you stop using Joes Juice or get rid of the peppermint shrimp, CCB or Aiptasia Eating Nudibranchs (Berghia verrucicornis) they all come back. Anyone else been able to totally eradicate Aiptasia without them coming back over time?
I had a peppermint shrimp that did the trick untill anout 6 months after he died and it started comming back. Now I have a CBB that seems to be getting rid of the aiptasia, and I told him he's not allowed to die so I should be aiptasia free forever lol
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:23 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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Default copperband

Originally Posted by saltaddict View Post
Copper Band Buttefly works best if you have a large tank.
I would try one buy I have seen to many die.Personally this is one fish I will leave in the ocean
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