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Old 05-29-2007, 01:54 PM
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In response to your first comment, and yes with an eye towards being I have not seen the corals in person, have not been to the store, and have no idea who runs it or how well they do it. As such, at least in my mind (maybe others as well), I was not directly commenting on the stores support or service - only the photos of the coral based on the link posted. No need to put words in my mouth - and also, it is not "my" LFS, it is "a" LFS.

Admittedly, and as I said these acans could very well be from Australia, but at the same time, I don't think the photos are representative of the corals coming out of this region at this time. Online is all about the pictures. Perhaps that is what I should have posted, that the photo is not representative of how good the coral actually looks...then again I am no expect on acans, I don't even own one, I have just seen a lot of aussie acans in the last 3 months.

While I appreciate your insights as to why I landed on this board, I don't think one comment regarding photographs accurately reflects my ability to help others, or crashes a reputation of a good store. Perhaps in time hobbyists on this board will learn a little bit more about me, and my approach to the hobby. Or not. Read up on my tank and follow my historical posts on other boards and decide for yourself if you should put any value in my posts.

And oh yes, calling out to find unhappy customers on behalf of a store??? Wise.

If any members want to chew me a new one - please PM me. I do not want this board to start looking like some in Ontario.

Now please Canreef - back to the acans

Originally Posted by more1020 View Post

Why? Have you seen them in person? OA has been a great lfs in our area and always provide excellent support and help to all customers! Your comment is very unfair to it. Yes, your lfs has the BEST PICTURE for all corals but I don't see why those from OA are the worst,especially you never seen them in person. I visited and saw them the other day,they look very very nice.

It would have been nice if you landed on this board to offer and assist others instead of crashing a reputation of a great store. It won't help to boost your "fragging" business here considering that you are trying to start your business on this board.

Any unhappy customers from OA here? I don't think so.
I'm out.
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Old 05-29-2007, 05:43 PM
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Yes yes...back to the Acans

220G, why haven't you picked up any Acans? I'm curious. You seem to like them!

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Old 05-29-2007, 09:06 PM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
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First, the acans are from australia if they are mentioned as such. Actually a hand pick from a local supplier.

Secondly, the picture is not truly representative of the coral, really Ill try to have a better picture taken in the near future.

I'd comment further but I'll wait until getting to know 220g.

All the best.

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Old 05-29-2007, 10:30 PM
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I like them - but can not afford them! While I have made quite the investment in the hobby, but I am not a rich enough guy to buy corals at the prices they are going for here

Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef View Post
Yes yes...back to the Acans

220G, why haven't you picked up any Acans? I'm curious. You seem to like them!
There you have it from the store itself. Your supplier is doing some fine work getting those in - the demand for them is huge. And if that is the case I am sure they look much better than illustrated in the photo. And taking pics can be tough, it took me a 2 weeks top figure it out and get my TOTM pics. If you want any pointers using a non-SLR camera let me know b/c I have figured it out, well top-down pics anyways.

No further comments from me, and hope you did not interpret me post as an attack against your store, service, expertise as this was not my intent. I was really only commenting on the photograph.


Originally Posted by zulu_principle View Post
First, the acans are from australia if they are mentioned as such. Actually a hand pick from a local supplier.

Secondly, the picture is not truly representative of the coral, really Ill try to have a better picture taken in the near future.

I'd comment further but I'll wait until getting to know 220g.

All the best.

I'm out.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:23 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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I didn't see it as an attack but as an observation of what is available in the market. Maybe some suppliers don't have access to these or the price would be too great and the average person couldn't afford one of these in the first place. It' still nice to drooooooool.
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Old 05-30-2007, 01:28 AM
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The problem with the written word is you can't always tell the tone of what is being said so people often take things the wrong way and read more into a statement than is meant. Many things that are meant as simply "matter of fact" or even opinions & observations can be easily taken out of context.
I know this is the case here by 220g and I know that Wendell wouldn't misrepresent his products.
Pictures can be very ambiguous. Sometimes I'll take a picture of something and think wow, I wish it always looked that good in person and then on the other hand some really nice stuff isn't very photogenic.


Last edited by Snappy; 05-30-2007 at 01:37 AM.
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Old 05-30-2007, 01:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
The problem with the written word is you can't always tell the tone of what is being said so people often take things the wrong way and read more into a statement than is meant. Many things that are meant as simply "matter of fact" or even opinions & observations can be easily taken out of context.
I know this is the case here by 220g and I know that Wendell wouldn't misrepresent his products.
Pictures can be very ambiguous. Sometimes I'll take a picture of something and think wow, I wish it always looked that good in person and then on the other hand some really nice stuff isn't very photogenic.
Totally agree with you Greg. I think all of us on this board that know Wendell have great respect for him and maybe someone took something the wrong way. And your right about pictures - but with me my pictures are usually pretty bad and I think why can't I take a picture of how that really looks. OTOH I see a pretty picture on a web site and buy it and when it arrives I go WTF is that? That surely can't be what I bought or saw on the web site? Big sigh - oh poor me LOL
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:58 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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You're right Ruth . I think if we see a pic of something ,that's what it should look like when we receive it. In seeing a pic of something that interests us we should always ask if we are buying the actual piece and what lighting it is under,what height is the lighting, what K and even what brand of bulb.
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