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Old 05-24-2007, 04:50 PM
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Confucious say : Things that come to those who wait, will be things left over by those who didnt.
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Old 05-24-2007, 05:45 PM
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yes, it's a lot more expensive to buy and import from australia. this is how much it costs to buy coral from a developed nation. it's not that australian corals are's that indo corals are dirt cheap. be greatful for that, because most of us cannot afford to pay more. but there are plenty of people willing to pay hundreds for a coral that not many people have. nobody is forcing you to buy them, or testing the waters for a price hike....

regarding the elegance corals, i haven't heard anything about disease affecting indos. i was under the impression that they are mostly collected from much deeper waters than they used to be, and they cannot adapt to our high-flow, high-light, low nutrient tanks. whereas the aussie elegance are being harvested from much shallower waters.

Last edited by GrimReefer; 05-24-2007 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 05-24-2007, 06:02 PM
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Looks to me, from the pics, is that those 'aussie' elegance corals are already showing signs of the 'condition'. Short tenticals & inflated bodies... However, it may just have been the time of day that those pics were taken.
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Old 05-24-2007, 06:40 PM
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Are the Ausie Acans considered rare because the ban on trade has been lifted or are they actually rare? Are they going to be cheaper as time goes on and are more readily available?
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Old 05-24-2007, 06:57 PM
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i know i can be a sucker for an amazingly colorful sps but for a coral that looks like that i could care less where it came from or how 'rare' it is, there is no way i would pay that. i agree the wages would be a lot higher in australia but those prices seem like a little gouging to me. just my 2 bits though

my tank setup
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by jkhchris View Post
Are the Ausie Acans considered rare because the ban on trade has been lifted or are they actually rare? Are they going to be cheaper as time goes on and are more readily available?
They are rare in the hobby. It really doesn't matter if they are rare in the ocean or not. It's what's availible in the trade.

Indo acans look bland and dull in comparasion. It's not even close. Sure there are nice indo acans but the aussie ones blow them away. All colours of the rainbow. They are pretty easy to keep and grow out.

Also the collections will not be as frequent as indos. No one can expect aussie corals to arrive weekly like the 1000s of indo corals. if the ban is brought back then it will be next to impossible to get more.

Once you see them in person you will be greatly impressed. I've seen about 75 acan colonies in person and every single one was different. Even the polyps on the same colony can be different. They are truely the cream of the crop.
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Psyire View Post
Looks to me, from the pics, is that those 'aussie' elegance corals are already showing signs of the 'condition'. Short tenticals & inflated bodies... However, it may just have been the time of day that those pics were taken.
I noticed that too, that's why i haven't bought one

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Old 05-24-2007, 11:14 PM
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If I win the lotto, I may just spend that on a coral. MAYBE. But seeing as my entire setup (well, let's not be silly, lots added together would be more than that) cost less than $600, I'll pass. I feel sketchy buying corals for $40!
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Old 05-24-2007, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by andsoitgoes View Post
If I win the lotto, I may just spend that on a coral. MAYBE. But seeing as my entire setup (well, let's not be silly, lots added together would be more than that) cost less than $600, I'll pass. I feel sketchy buying corals for $40!
Obviously aussie corals aren't for everyone. There is no doubt they are expensive, but how is it sketchy buying corals that come from the ocean halfway around the world, which are collected by people who put their lives on the line to get them, then have to be bought by a store and shipped properly and then in some cases bought by a wholesaler before hitting your LFS for the cost of only $40. Yes reef keeping is an expensive hobby but really I think its amazing that corals can be sold for $40.
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Old 05-25-2007, 01:33 AM
Bryan Bryan is offline
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I can remember back when when elegance corals were frequently imported, and sold for under $40.00, and one of the easier corals to keep. Then for some reason mortality rates increased dramatically and they were rarely seen in the LFS.

Don't recall what the reason was for the mortality rates. I had one for years and it was huge. Traded it to a LFS as it outgrew my tank and was stinging nearby corals.
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