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Old 08-19-2006, 07:26 PM
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So after increasing skimming, changing carbon, and rowaphos, things look a little better. I would say about 20% better than they were at the beginning of the week. I'm patiently waiting my test kit for Silicate so that I can run some tests on my tank water and my RO water.

I'm hopeing to be able to pinpoint the exact nutrient problem I have.
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Old 08-21-2006, 06:47 PM
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Recieved my Silicate test kit today and was hoping for some answers.

Unfortunately I didn't get many, other than Silicate is not the problem. Both my RO/DI water and my tank water readings are 0.

I am happy though that my Silica based sandbed is not leeching a lot into the water. (Black Tahiti Moon Sand)
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Old 08-21-2006, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Psyire
I'm hopeing to be able to pinpoint the exact nutrient problem I have.
I don't think you will be able to measure the nutrients that are causing your dinos as the dinos are utiltizing them as quickly as they are produced/released in your tank. That said, though, it's great that you are testing your source water for as many things as possible to reduce the chances of introducing more nutrients from water changes and top ups.

BTW, how are the dinos today, and what steps other than the ones you've already outlined have you taken to reduce the dinos?

Wishing you luck in your battle

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Old 08-21-2006, 10:33 PM
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Pictures I just took:

I've pretty much stuck to my plan so far. My next step is a few water changes as I have eliminated silicate in my RO/DI as a problem. (I didn't want to add anymore silicate if I was in the first place)

My Refugium needs a good cleaning as well... there is a bit of a detritus build up happening there.
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Old 08-21-2006, 11:31 PM
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There seems to be some speculation that this may be infact Diatoms and not Dinos.

Any ideas?
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Old 08-21-2006, 11:32 PM
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Do Diatoms disappear at night and come back slowly through the daylight cycle?
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Old 08-23-2006, 05:09 AM
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Water Parameters as of right now.

Salinity: 1.025
PO4: 0
Silicate: 0
Mg: 1250
Ca: 400
pH: 8.2
dKH: 7.2
Nitrate: 15
Temp: 80.4

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Old 08-23-2006, 05:16 AM
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IMO thats not dinoflagellates. Firstly, dinoflagellates look like brown snot trailing in the breeze swamped by bubbles (the bubbles go away at night and reappear during the day). Secondly, snails won't touch it, they'd rather shrivel up into their shells and die on the sandbed before making trails in it. I think you're dealing with diatoms there. Diatoms do utilize silicate and they do it quickly so there is a possiblity that it could be your problem.

Have you changed up your lighting schedule at all (ie. decreased photoperiod)? That might help.
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Old 08-23-2006, 05:23 AM
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I'm thinking they're Dinos dude. Diatoms are usually cyclical and can result when tank conditions are changed suddenly. Introduction of silicates is key to the success of diatoms and some people have actually dosed silicates to allow for diatoms to become the dominant algae as they are easy to get rid of. Basically once the silicates are consumed you can scrub, scrape or blow diatoms into the water column to be skimmed away. Also, there are quite a few natural grazers of diatoms.

Dinos are a plague however. From the look of your gravel shots I am guessing you have dinos. They overgrow large areas and smother other life very quickly forming stringy gooey stinky kinda clumps. I've actually been extremely fortunate to not have these, but I have had every other damn kinda algae, and from what has been said earlier on, you are probably best to go that route. I have read of so many posts on here & other boards where this pest is truly a hobby killer, especially if it is recurrent.

After much hard work to rid my system of pest type algae, I am happy to scrape the diatoms and green algae off the glass twice a week. I never have to worry about this on my rocks or such though. Try running your Alk a little higher for a couple of weeks to see if that may help. Skimming is more efficient at higher alkalinity and pH, but who knows if it will do anything for Dinos...
135G Mixed Reef. Bullet 2, 25 gal refugium, 2 X250W MH + 4X 96W PC\'s, DIY Calcium Reactor, Coralife 1/6 HP Chiller, Phosban, Tunze, 2 closed loops & SQWD\'s, Seios, Coralife 4 stage RO/DI & a bunch of other expensive gadgets... I may never retire, but I'm gonnahavahelluvanaquarium!

Last edited by reeferaddict; 08-23-2006 at 05:26 AM.
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Old 08-23-2006, 05:27 AM
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Yes the glass shots DOES look like diatoms... but the gravel looks like dinos... just my humble opinion though I know Christy has had more experience with Dinos...
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