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Old 03-16-2006, 04:57 PM
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I am not surprised. A Flame Angel is not considered a very good choice for a tiny 20 gallon tank.
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Old 03-16-2006, 05:04 PM
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sorry to hear about your loss man. May be its where you are buying them from could or may have a impact on your livestock. But with me when i had my 62 gal sps all topped out going really good my cucumber decided to take the powerhead express and lick the side of the maxi jet.. Well i came home from work around 3pm in the afternoon. And my 4 yr old coral beauty was dead in the corner floating there with its mouth open.

It looked like the fish was scared to death it was the only fish that didnt make it weird thou. may be it was spooked from the cuke dying. I know when i got home the cuke was still living because i had to cut him off he was mangled...

So i was kinda in shockness. I did a 20 gal water chanege and everything was good after that .....

go figure.
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Old 03-16-2006, 05:06 PM
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Bob, there is no use posting in my threads as your on my ignore list. Sounds familiar dosen't it?

The thing was it looked healthy when purchased , and fine in my tank for a few days then I noticed a spot of ick. Fed every day with Garlic and no problems , all the ick was gone. Then I noticed one or two spots max a few days later.. never anymore than a couple spots.. and continued with the garlic.. it continued to do well. Then it just stopped eating, and next morning was no longer with me.

The bad thing is I still won't be able to QT when I get a new setup... the reason is I have no space for another tank. I could try to make some space.. but it's doubtful.

I like the Royal Gramma idea... thanks, very colorful active fish. Great choice.

I will however, be more careful with the next fish. And it will not be added until the new system is up.
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Old 03-16-2006, 05:10 PM
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My favorite small tank fish include:

Most any clowns
Strawberry dottyback (tank raised would be best)
Yellow watchman goby
Pseudo's (They can be mean)
Coral Beauty (I kept one for about a year, until I bought an eel, that ate him)
Fire fish (purple or regular)
Cardinals apparently can breed in an aquarium that might be neat

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Old 03-16-2006, 05:16 PM
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Thanks for the suggestions Robb.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50
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Old 03-16-2006, 05:16 PM
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Not in a 20G
I meant for his new tank, he said he is not adding any fish until he upgrades.

I really like my scissortail gobies they are colorfull, and the small fairy wrasses might do ok in your newer larger tank, although 45g is still pretty small for some of these fishies.

Do you have any LFS in calgary that quarantine their livestock for 2 weeks? I have never gotten a single disease or death from any fish I have gotten from a LFS here in Edmonton that does that.

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Old 03-16-2006, 05:18 PM
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I am not surprised. A Flame Angel is not considered a very good choice for a tiny 20 gallon tank.
Bob, there was already a big thread on this, no need to repeat it here.

He is looking for fish suggestions not critisisms. Telling him you are not surprised his fish died is not being helpfull.

It would be more helpfull to provide some advice on some more suitable colorfull, hardy fish.

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Old 03-16-2006, 06:00 PM
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Here is what I have in my 30 gallon cube and it may seem like allot of fish,

2 Green Chromis
1 flame angel
1 Marine Betta
1 Cinnamon clown

In my 33 gallon sump I have 2 false percula clowns and two saddle back clowns a mandarin fish and a small blue stripe goby. All of these fish are small except for the Betta and flame angel.

I am sorry for your loss, Flame angels are nice fish. This is my second one and I have had this one for two years. I have heard that some of these fish are cyanide caught and come from some great depths in the ocean causing them to live a short life . My first Flame died within two weeks, it had no visible lesions or ich

Hope you find a healthy fish for your setup
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Old 03-16-2006, 06:44 PM
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Maybe a flame hawk or pygmy angel would be neat. Or you could upgrade a little bigger and possibly get a small yellow tang.

Back in the good ole days
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Old 03-16-2006, 06:52 PM
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Default re ick

In the reading i have done, you can apparently rid your tank of ick by having it without fish for a month
the parasites require a host to live.
Without the fish to host them, they apparently die. I personally have held off on putting any fish into one of my tanks for 2 months after i lost the whole tank to what i believe was velvet.
A UV light will help rid the tank of it as well and it will help kill off the parasites while they pass thru the light
If you take the stuff you currently have in ur tank and put it into the other tank without waiting the month, you could very well be bringing the parasite into the new tank as it will basically sit in the sand and on the LR in a dormant state for a period of time.
hope this helps...and of course this could all be wrong..ask five reefers about something and you will get 5 different answers...all of which are right..jk
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