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Old 12-14-2005, 05:05 AM
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So, how does one make these? I would love to do this with my tank

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Old 12-14-2005, 06:00 AM
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Chad, any specific questions on how to make em or is this enough??
Originally Posted by vertex

They are easy to make actually. I just take two pictures pointed at the same area, each with the camera moved about 5-10 cm sideways (the same width of your eyes is usually recommended). The trick is to take it of the same area exactly, use a tripod and all the same color/focus settings on your camera so things line up better.

Then put the left picture on the right and the right hand picture on the left side by side.
-Mike (Tank Info / Links / Pics shown below)
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Old 12-14-2005, 02:02 PM
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how would you do it with one camera in our tanks, considering the movement, would that not affect it?

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Old 12-14-2005, 04:07 PM
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Default Stereo images

Originally Posted by Chad
how would you do it with one camera in our tanks, considering the movement, would that not affect it?
Yes, you wouldn't be able to do it with a fish, or anything moving at anything quicker than a snail's pace. (Hmm.. I guess snails will still be okay) Unless you can rig together a setup where you've got two cameras kind of taped together side-by-side, and get them to both use the same settings and take the picture at the same instant. THAT would work for fish, etc. and the distance apart would be fairly good too.

Stereo photographs are actually fairly easy, as you can read from other messages above. I've got a whole university degree where I did a huge amount of work analyzing stereo airplane/satellite images of land to do measurements of building heights and all sorts of stuff. Very neat, when you get into professional uses of stereo imagery. But that's a whole other.. uhh.. course.

Take care!
Imran, in Edmonton/Ardrossan, AB

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Old 12-14-2005, 04:22 PM
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You have a degree in being Cross-Eyed Imran..??
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Old 12-14-2005, 05:36 PM
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Default Ahem..

Originally Posted by muck
You have a degree in being Cross-Eyed Imran..??
Sure Ryan. Explains a thing or two.

Hmmm... now this is getting me all into taking a stereo image tonight.. probably of my Toadstool. Will have to see how it goes!
Imran, in Edmonton/Ardrossan, AB

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Old 12-14-2005, 06:21 PM
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I can see those "hidden image" 3-d things without any trouble, but I don't seem to be able to focus my eyes on these images. Even with the finger trick, I can't overcome the refocus as soon as I try to look at the monitor.

Anyone have any other tricks to "see" these images?

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Old 12-14-2005, 07:12 PM
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Default Proper stereo imagery

Hi Matthew!
Originally Posted by Matt
I can see those "hidden image" 3-d things without any trouble, but I don't seem to be able to focus my eyes on these images. Even with the finger trick, I can't overcome the refocus as soon as I try to look at the monitor.

Anyone have any other tricks to "see" these images?
In order to have a stero image, one needs to take two photographs of the same item, the second photograph being taken with the camera shifted to the right around oh.. let's say 5cm. This will produce two photographs of the same thing with there being an area of overlap. This overlapping area between the two photographs is the 'stereo' zone.

I think that the photographs above need to be modified/cropped a bit to bring this out, as I think that the camera HAS been moved between the photographs but the images have not been properly displayed to facilitate stereo viewing. Let me do an adjustment on a couple of them:

A mushroom:

Some polyps, etc.:

How's that? Mike, I hope you don't mind me using one of your images to demonstrate the overlap idea.

Take care!
Imran, in Edmonton/Ardrossan, AB

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Old 12-15-2005, 12:41 AM
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winters, no problem at all, after all, you've got the degree in this department!

Anyway, ya there is another way to create stereo images as well where the left image stays on the left and the right stays on the right, and then you don't have to cross your eyes and you isntead just stare through the monitor as if you're looking at a distant object and if the images are the exact width of your eye separation, the stereo image pops out at you.

However, with different monitor resolutions and the limitation of smaller pictures, I don't like that method and it is just as hard if you ask me.

I find if you learn to use a small image set (like that posted last) is easier since you don't have to cross your eyes as much to get them aligned, then it makes your focus point more natural. From there, you can go to bigger images or further away and still focus.

Once you get it, its easy, I can focus on these images and even two monitors completely side by side with the cross eyed method in just a second or two if I stand back enough. I often slowly move forward once I am focused (really slowly) and your eyes will adjust automatically.

Good luck... !!
-Mike (Tank Info / Links / Pics shown below)
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Old 12-15-2005, 01:59 AM
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yay I finally seen it I thought this was a joke but I seen winters edited images it does I'm going to take a Tylenol I got a headache

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