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Old 12-03-2005, 09:16 PM
JasonJ JasonJ is offline
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will frowspawns and open brains do well in 130watts PC lighting?
theres seems to be mixed opinions about coral lighting and what not.
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Old 12-05-2005, 11:03 PM
JasonJ JasonJ is offline
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AC 150 and AC PH 402 too much circulation for a 20gal?
any advice?
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Old 12-05-2005, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by JasonJ
AC 150 and AC PH 402 too much circulation for a 20gal?
any advice?
I've got AC300, Rio 800ph, rio 600ph, skimmer runs a maxijet 1200.. all in my 20g....
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Old 12-05-2005, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Beermaster
My clowns host in my frogspawn, and before that they hosted on my open brian (which IMO was the cutest thing lol)
that is the cutest, my lil clown literally lays on his side in my open brain..
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Old 12-05-2005, 11:40 PM
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Unless you get a clone, I would recommend staying away from anemones if possible for now..

a.) By the tone of the post you sound relatively new.. Anemones are not easy to care for.
b.) Anemones require feeding. buying their food is going to add up. Esp on a student's budget.
c.) Environmentally speaking, it's not a good idea to buy a wild anemone and clown because of the effects it has on the ecosystem to attain it. I've done alot of reading on anemones at Reefcentral and it seems that while SOME make it into their 2nd year of captivity the vasty majority do not. Kinda sad! Please don't let yourself be one of these people.
d.) The anemone may be able to survive on the suggested light, but the combination of general saltwater inexperience (water parameters, knowing what's "normal", research/education, lighting, feeding savvy.. is all going add up to make the entire experience more challenging for you than it needs to be. Seriously wait a bit til you learn the ropes better, then get a clone .
e.) Anemones die often due to poor husbandry: sucked up into powerheads, bleach out and die to poor light, don't get fed often enough, harassed by their clowns until they melt, etc...
f.) Depending on the clownfish, you can get them to host in anything almost.. Personally I've seen them host in... pvc pipe, open brain (trachyophylla), frogspawn, mushrooms, rhodactis, sun corals, fungia.

You can keep the lights you have, but be careful what you put in there. if things look unhappy be sure to trade it to someone else before it gets to the point of no return. I'd start with low light corals and slowly move into other more light demanding types...

Doesn't hurt to have a skimmer, I figure.. but don't worry for a little while if you don't have it. Make sure you have alot of flow atleast.

whew.. good luck..
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Old 12-06-2005, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by JasonJ
AC 150 and AC PH 402 too much circulation for a 20gal?
any advice?
i've got an AC400 with 2 maxi jet's, 600's i think and it's not too much if you can believe it! also, my clown hosts my xneias at the moment but was hosting my green star polyps fo the longest time. i think i could throw an old shoe in the tank an he would host that if there was nothing else for him!
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