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View Poll Results: Which do you prefer?
RowaPhos 6 22.22%
PhosBan 7 25.93%
Neither 14 51.85%
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Old 10-15-2005, 12:26 PM
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I started using Rhowaphos about 2 months ago. My results have been excellent so far. It keeps my Phosphates at zero and I'm a heavy feeder. I've heard Phosban gives better bang for the buck, but I can't say as I've only used Rhowaphos. There are some reports of SPS losing colour after implementing, but this has not been the case with mine. When you first put it in the reactor make sure to run water outside your system through it to rid it of the brownish powdery sludge otherwise you will get that in your tank.

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Old 10-15-2005, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by reeferaddict
Mark, are you back in town?
Yep. And for a good while, actually. (See link).

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Old 10-15-2005, 05:06 PM
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It's inevitable that one question leads to others...

For those that do not use either RowaPhos or PhosBan....

Are you using another brand or product?
No need to use anything?
Do you control phosphates levels in other ways? ie: Water changes? RO?

Thanx much,
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Old 10-15-2005, 05:08 PM
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I use neither. I have seen some people posting that have had trouble with their SPS after using and didn't want to take a chance. I use RO/DI water and do 15 - 20% water changes every 2 weeks on all my tanks.
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Old 10-15-2005, 06:20 PM
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I don't know about cost effectiveness/which will go farther. For me, it cost what it costs and thats all there is to it. If it isn't a Hagen product Nanaimo doesn't have it I went with Rowaphos, mostly because it was the only one that was available to me at the time (I was in Vancouver), I wanted it and was at the store to get it. I bought it to run in a Phosban Reactor. I don't know if I used it improperly but I rinsed it well before putting it in the reactor and then ran about 5 gallons of water slowly through the reactor (too quickly and it just gets clogged at the top of it) and discarded that water. I then set the reactor to where the rowaphos is gently "bubbling" (for lack of a better word). And away it went. I have a phosphate test kit but my tank water never registers and my RODI water doesn't register as well. But something is making the algae grow.

Two days after introduction of the reactor I noticed that a lot of my SPS were sort of browning out. Mostly the pinks and blues, the yellows were the same as always. On the third day 3 frags were white skeletons and two more were starting to recede from the bottom up. I immediately turned the reactor off, assuming that some of the reactor particulate/sludge had gotten into the tank and was causing a problem (theres some really red junk that comes off that stuff at the beginning). I siphoned the bottom of the tank and sump and watched the receding frags over the next few days. Tissue recession stopped at the point I orignally caught it and it didn't go any further.

I don't know if this was the rowaphos or something else in the tank. Considering I didn't have any problems before starting the reactor and I haven't had any problems since turning it off, I attribute the coral losses and fading color to the rowaphos. Kind of disappointing as I was pretty excited about both the reactor and the rowaphos. I had used rowaphos previously in a filter sock but I don't know if I wasn't using enough or didn't have enough flow through the sock as it didn't do anything to hold my algae in check/decrease growth.

Currently I am running carbon in my reactor and it works like a hot damn!

I haven't decided whether I will use the rowaphos again. If I do I will introduce it to the tank slowly. Right now I'm just trying to see if the color comes back (its been about 4-6 weeks). I'm not adverse to trying phosban the next time out. I dont' know if I just can't find any threads on problems people have had with it or its less popular.

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Old 10-15-2005, 06:34 PM
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Only having a 26 bow, I'm restricted to what I can fit on/in my tank. So I use the H.B.H. pads that you cut to size (Carb,Ammo,,Phos) and place a piece in my modded A/C300 as well as cut a piece to fit around the inside suction tube of my A/c 802 P/h attachment. Works great,easy to remove ,clean and all my readings are O. You can get =8/10 cuts from 1 pad. so price is good to.
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Old 10-16-2005, 04:11 AM
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remember the test kits we can afford can only measure inorganic phosphate, organic phosphate can be flooding our systems and we cannot measure it. so you can have a phosphate problem and never get a reading on your test kit.

as for the poll, I will pick rowaphos only because I just bought some LOL

I have use phosban but not in a reactor and I am not happy with it. I think a reactor is the only way to go with these.

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Old 10-16-2005, 05:19 AM
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I've been using Phosban for about two weeks now. I've had a pretty bad hair algae problem for a few weeks now and since I've been using the phosban, the hair algae has stopped growing, has started turning brown and is dying off in a lot of places. I admit, it's a slow process but it is working. I didn't go with Rowaphos because of the whole sps bleaching thing.
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Old 10-17-2005, 03:37 AM
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Thanx to all who responded.
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Old 05-11-2010, 07:32 AM
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Are these things still recomended or are pellets way better?

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