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Old 06-30-2005, 06:33 AM
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North van store is down just past cap mall going east on the other side of the street - directly across from red robin - still open from what i hear - I talked to winston (at deman sale) and he said new owners did not want anything to do with saltwater
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Old 06-30-2005, 05:39 PM
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I was at the North Van store yesterday buying crickets. Its still there and running. I go by it several times a week on my way to work, but hardly ever go in. I didnt get a chance to look around at the fishroom but the front of the store essentially looks the same. They still have a lot of the same employees. They never really had a big salt section, i remember winston slowly turning more and more tanks to salt but really there were only about 4.

Dwight, Raf and I went by the denman store a few days ago and there isnt really anything left. A couple of sick corals and a few fish (the fish were overpriced anyways, so the sale price is about normal). We bought some salt though for pretty cheap. Hes shutting down all the tanks there so im assuming another pet store isnt going in.

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Old 06-30-2005, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Willow
the north van store has been gone for awhile.
If you mean the lower Lonsdale store...ya, it's been gone for awhile. That's because Winston was basically forced outa there due to development in that area. So he moved it to Marine Drive about 8 or 9 years ago. Seems it's still there from what people are saying.

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Old 07-01-2005, 04:25 PM
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fish were overpriced anyways
Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about,firstly $69 for a lg purple tang is not overpriced and forty percent off that makes it a very good deal.. were are you shopping ?.
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Old 07-01-2005, 05:41 PM
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Haha, no need to get angry. I shop regularily at King Eds and J&L (like i'm talking at least once per week), and sometimes Big Als. We occationally went down to Aquariums West and Pet Gallery just to look, but not really to buy. Pet Gallery there had some decent prices on corals i must say, but just like his North Van store the prices on fish and dry goods were more expensive. Thier coral beauty angel there was like 50 bucks! $23 at J&L. Its just certian things that were more.... I guess i am just used to shopping around a lot so i can compare prices. I know he marked a lot of stuff down for the sale, but im not talking about the sale OR the purple tang cus i know thats a good price on them (about $10 less than other places)

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Old 07-01-2005, 06:55 PM
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Don't worry 'bout it Diana, some of the people on here are a tad sensitive. For the most part we have a great crew though.

lusus naturae
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Old 07-02-2005, 03:31 PM
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Don't worry 'bout it Diana, some of the people on here are a tad sensitive.
I really dont think she needs a pat on the back,funny sensitive is not one of the things i get called often,i'm just sick and tired of people posting about how expensive things are here when in fact bc has some of the cheapest price anywere outside of the export countires,that and many of you on here have no idea how expensive it is to run just the marine section of a small store,that and constantly having a large percentage of canreef members come in and complain that it's cheaper up the street, and were not talking $50.00 cheaper were talking $1-2 dollars cheaper,this happens all the time,why doesnt bc get the best stuff because people wont pay for it..
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Old 07-02-2005, 06:07 PM
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Im not cheap, i spend WAY too much on all my tanks. I've forked out over $500 bucks for my 5 gallon tank. Im saying there are cheaper places to buy things, and as the consumer i have the right to do so. And i will spread the word about the cheaper places. Im not going to spend $10 more of my hard earned cash when i could save it for something else. Why would I? Why would anyone? Unless the item is better quality when its more expensive, but thats often not the case.

So what if J&L buys in bulk so they can sell for less, they are gonna get more customers because of it. Its the battle of the industry, and unfortuneately you cant really make a profit either way to go.
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Old 07-02-2005, 06:47 PM
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Moderator's hat off:

i'm just sick and tired of people posting about how expensive things are
I'm sick and tired of people posting about what big ol' hard asses they are. I can pretty much gaurantee that things would be a lot different if people were sitting around the back porch with a beer shooting bs instead of behind a freakin' computer screen. Grow up, relax and try to imagine you're sitting across the table from the person you're directing your comments at.

lusus naturae
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Old 07-02-2005, 07:56 PM
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I'm sick and tired of people posting about what big ol' hard asses they are
Troy what are you talking about ?
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