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Old 05-02-2002, 04:12 AM
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

PS... I feel bad for and I apologize to AL for contributing to distracting this thread from it's original intention, which is to sell his goods.
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Old 05-02-2002, 09:32 AM
ruck'n'reefer ruck'n'reefer is offline
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What is the list of livestock?
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Old 05-02-2002, 11:19 PM
Rainman58 Rainman58 is offline
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Just updated my webpage with a list of livestock I now have in my tank......
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Old 05-17-2002, 10:55 PM
Rainman58 Rainman58 is offline
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It seems some people think my asking price for my set up is alittle high so i was just curious as to what some of you think would be a fair price to ask for my set up?
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Old 05-18-2002, 12:09 AM
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Default Complete custom built 180 gal. setup.

Al, you listed a lot of stuff without details. For example, what type of lighting? (Brand, watages, # of bulbs, etc.) What make and model of filters, skimmers, etc.
You may even find you can get closer to your price by separating the parts.
An example of some used prices...I bought 140 pounds of rock, 200 pounds of sand, 7 fish, 50 hermits, 30 snails and various shrimp,stars, etc. for $400.
I bought a dual 400w/10k MH setup for $300.

These prices are a big drop from their new price. Unfortunately recovering money spent when selling your tank is difficult. Especially when it's a tank like yours. Not many people are in the market for a 180g tank setup. This makes offers fewer than you'd like. The end result is that your stuff is only worth what those few would be buyers are willing to pay. And we're generally cheap :D
Seriously though...if your in a rush to sell it, you need to cut a lot off the price. If you can wait an extended time, hold out until the "right" buyer comes along.
Good luck!
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Old 05-18-2002, 01:36 PM
Rainman58 Rainman58 is offline
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Brad, If you look at my first post ^ there i`ve listed the brands etc. of equipment along with anything else I could think of so i`m not sure what else I can tell you? I also have a list of my livestock posted on my webpage with pics of my tank etc. As for pricing I personally think anything you can buy at say 50% of cost is not a bad deal and might even be talked into selling my system at a 50% loss. But selling off my system at 20 or 30% of my investment isn`t something i`d even consider.
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Old 05-18-2002, 01:45 PM
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SOrry Al, I recall now that I did see the list when you first posted. Nowhere in any of my posts have I ever claimed to be real smart :D

I agree that taking 20 or 30 percent would suck. That's why I suggested separating the system. You'd get more money, I think.
I know for my self, the only way I'd buy a 180g setup with items you choose to add to it would be if the price was stupidly low..or if I wanted to add exactly what you have.
My next tank purchase is a 180. But from your list, the tank is the only item I would look at.. the other pieces aren't what I would choose and therefore have no value to me. I personally think that if you invest seven grand in a tank, you should be able to at least get 50% back. Unfortunately you need to find the "perfect" buyer.
You have a really nice looking syste, Al, and I wish you luck in seling it!
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Old 05-20-2002, 07:23 PM
Rainman58 Rainman58 is offline
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Ok.....i`ve decided to take Brad`s advice and sell off my system separately so i`ll start with the fish and live rock first. If any of my prices seem out of line please be sure and let me know.
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Old 05-20-2002, 11:02 PM
JoJo JoJo is offline
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Hi Al,

You got mail!
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Old 05-29-2002, 12:14 AM
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Hi Al,

Drop me a mail when you get to the VHO`s,I am interested.

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