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Old 03-21-2005, 06:28 AM
4ptbuck 4ptbuck is offline
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I was wondering how this thread was going to turn out. My nick should give away my inclinations.

Ryan you might have a bit more luck at

Seahorse, it's kinda funny you're all over this guy, yet who used to work at a fish farm?? Not much difference in my eyes.

btw seahorse does BioE mean anything to you??

4 pts...
Old 03-21-2005, 06:42 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Yeah. Are you BioE too?
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
Old 03-21-2005, 01:44 PM
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Holy i didnt think i would get this response. Your right wrong forum. Also sorry i didnt make this clear. I am raising them then in august september realeasing them into variouse habitats where i hunt pheasants to reastock the population. This should give the birds enough time to checkout their surroundings. I am also raising them to train my dog not only for plain old hunting but for feild trials. Its not like i am going to take 5 out put them infront of a hay bail and shoot them i am going to let them go. Sorry for the confusion.

Stircrazy we know the permits we need now. WOnt be that bad cheaper than raising the birds. As a hunter i know my regualtions for how far i gotta be and what not. We have a feild given to us for these birds. Now all we gotta do is raise them.

Never knew you people were against reastocking wild populations.
Old 03-21-2005, 02:13 PM
Majestic_Aquariums Majestic_Aquariums is offline
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IMO there is nothing wrong with re-stocking wild game. Many operations out there raising ring-necked pheasants for release into the wild. But not onto their own property, for hunting purposes. I think it is a great idea to re-stock them, but for the right reasons. Could it be that they have seasons set up for a reason? I'm not a hunter, and some of you may dis-agree, but if it were up to me alone, I would make you at least have a perimeter fence around your property, to ensure that no more wild game birds can enter. If this is allowed, where does it stop? Let's start raising big-game, and what the hell! Lets offer this to Americans, to come on up here, pay us to hunt on our land?
Raise these birds, and release them. This alone will help re-plenish what you are shooting during the open season.
When your Discus get large enough, are you gonna have a pan-fry?
Old 03-21-2005, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan

Never knew you people were against reastocking wild populations.
Um, I think restocking wild populations should be left to professional biologists. Are the birds you will release healthy? Have you done blood work on them? Will they have some disease that could wipe out the entire wild population? How do you know? Does the wild population NEED restocking? Do you have stats?
Really, if you do happen to raise some birds, please shoot them in front of the hay stack, and don't endanger the wild birds.
Old 03-21-2005, 02:16 PM
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that scene from Thunderbolt and Lightfoot came to mind where the crazy drunk guy pulls the car over opens his trunk and starts blasting his shotgun at a trunk full of rabbits.
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

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Old 03-21-2005, 05:40 PM
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Birds will be inspected before realease. How do i tell that they are mine. When you "plant" them you dizzy them and tuck their head under the birds wing. They wont move so when to dog points basicaly that scared the bird and flushes no different from if i were to hunt them during season. Apparently this board is full of non hunters so my replies on this are stopping before i **** a mod off.

I do have one question for you people though. Whats the difference between what i am doing and what a place like the canadian pheasant company in brooks is doing? Absoloutly nothing exept i am a smaller operation and i am not taking people out to hunt my birds.
Old 03-21-2005, 06:05 PM
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i dunno dude you are talking for the most part to people who are trying to preserve life and your want to raise birds so you can shoot them! this isnt the right place for you, find a hunting board.
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

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Old 03-21-2005, 06:37 PM
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Ryan, while this is probably not the best choice of boards to post this on, my point only was relaeasing captive raised birds into wild populations. I'm just not sure it's all that simple. If it is, that's scary.

But ya, if there is a board out there, maybe or something, it might be a better place to talk about killing. As a theme here, we're trying to preserve life, not end it. Although I'm sure we have lots of fisherpersons here....

anyway, good luck with your "project" .
Old 03-21-2005, 06:53 PM
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Just for the record, don't know if it matters or not, ring-necked pheasants were introduced to North America from Asia, so by releasing them into the wild you are not replenishing wild stocks, you are you just replenishing the wild numbers of an introduced species.

Also, Alberta is much more liberal with wildlife then B.C., for example, there are farm raised elk in Alberta, but they are illegal to farm in B.C., because they are a wild species here, and disease transfer is an issue.
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