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Old 01-10-2017, 05:29 PM
SoloSK71 SoloSK71 is offline
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Originally Posted by zhasan View Post
Reading the posts above and watching some videos on youtube, I've decided to go with Muriatic Acid bath.

Its -20 outside so I'm thinking I can't perform this task outside.

I would do it in the garage, but would the cold affect effectiveness of the acid reaction process? Also, If I have to let it sit for about 1/2 hr or so, it might start to freeze up but maybe not if there is heat generating due to the chemical reaction.

I'm wondering if muriatic acid rec a fiberglass bathtub?

As far as the process is concerned, here is what I've learned so far.

Fill up the container with rock and submerge it with normal tap water.
Slowly start pouring acid in the container up to 10% of the water volume.
Let sit and watch the magic happen.
Add baking soda to neutralize the process.
Dump out all the water
Thoroughly wash the rock and let dry for couple of days.

Would those who've successfully completed the process, please confirm if I have it down right?

Do not do this inside. Lacking industrial type ventilation, this is a quick trip to the emergency ward.

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Old 01-10-2017, 10:09 PM
dino dino is offline
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I use acid everyday and we use an acid protective suit, gloves, boots and a respirator. Always water first and then add the acid. At the very least do it outside and have gloves and eye protection and don't breath lol
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Old 01-11-2017, 12:08 AM
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Question, if you end off using acid, why the bleach bath first?
- S H A O -
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Old 01-18-2017, 05:51 AM
zhasan zhasan is offline
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Default Thank you

Thank you to all those who chimed in and offered advise.

It helped me a lot while going through the process. Its a little over whelming at first when dealing with such substances but not that bad after all.

Just thought I should update you all of my progress with curing process.

I ran out of acid for the last batch so have to redo some of those rocks as the little bit of acid didn't really do much.

Meanwhile, the rock that was completely cleaned to my satisfaction is now in the heated salty water about the enter the cycling process.

I'll be adding in Brightwell Aquatics Microbactor7 and some food pallets to jump start the cycling process. Hoping the cycle will complete in two weeks.
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