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Old 11-06-2016, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
If there was a list perhaps?
No info on who this person is? Where they are? Info on their tank? Live arrival guarantee? What method of shipping? Are they an experienced shipper?
What does is have that locals here dont? Or are the prices that much cheaper or something?
I'm not giving out info. He is not interested in a "circus". Some guys just dont want the attention, and too many cooks at the stove only leads to confusion. As far as your other questions Gina, as I said, I have received livestock from him already and if I felt there were any concerns I would not have already placed another order. A list will be coming. This is not something he was prepared for until he and I started talking about it yesterday. About all I can say is those that want in, can get in. Those that don't want in have that option too. My order is already large enough to cover shipping so this is an oportunity for people to get their hands on livestock not so "readily available" out here. If I was even remotely concerned I would not have put it out there. About all I can say
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:12 PM
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For the most part in bc the only way to find the rare high end new to market sps is thru people like this. This may not be for everybody. But Its all a part of the game for us sps Addicts. Thanks for setting this up Gary send me a list when you get it please and thanks.
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:12 PM
BobFish BobFish is offline
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love to see the list, and prices and pictures
Current Tank Info: 187 custom reef tank, Running ZeoVit with Vibe, Apex New Gen, Jebao DCS 12000 return pump, custom180 Euro-reef skimmer, running Mazzi venturi and mag 18pump, Lighting-2 60" XHO blue reefbrites , with 8x60" T-5, 2 Maxspect Gyre XF150,and 1Maxspect Gyre XF250 Generator with controller, 120 lbs of Tonga Branch rock, custom sump and manifold
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryanerickson View Post
For the most part in bc the only way to find the rare high end new to market sps is thru people like this. This may not be for everybody. But Its all a part of the game for us sps Addicts. Thanks for setting this up Gary send me a list when you get it please and thanks.
Thanks Ryan. Anyone that knows me should know me well enough I'm not willing to sell out fellow reefers for my benefit and won't lead anyone down the road for personal gain. I promise as soon as I get the list and pics I'll share.
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:22 PM
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I should also add that I have told him many out here have an LPS fetish and to make sure we get a roster of what he might have available. PM me with special requests. He has stuff from "more commonly found" to "ABSOLUTELY INSANE"
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Cujo#31 View Post
I'm not giving out info. He is not interested in a "circus". Some guys just dont want the attention, and too many cooks at the stove only leads to confusion. As far as your other questions Gina, as I said, I have received livestock from him already and if I felt there were any concerns I would not have already placed another order. A list will be coming. This is not something he was prepared for until he and I started talking about it yesterday. About all I can say is those that want in, can get in. Those that don't want in have that option too. My order is already large enough to cover shipping so this is an oportunity for people to get their hands on livestock not so "readily available" out here. If I was even remotely concerned I would not have put it out there. About all I can say
Knowing who your livestock is from isnt creating a circus. When money is involved people should be allowed to know who its going to.
This is insane. I asked simple questions anyone should have a right to ask before they decide if they want in especially if the seller refuses to make themselves known.
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:37 PM
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All I can tell u Gina is its not a dealer. He has made a simple request, and I will honor his request. I'm simply trying to open an oportunity to fellow reefers. I agree an support your opinion. I trust him is about all I can offer. I trust him enough to have placed a significant order. I can assure you I work as hard for my dollars as anyone else. He doesn't have to sell to anyone. He doesn't have to share any of his rare gems with anyone. I'm not going to put a gun to anyone's head. Either ur interested or not, in or not. Even if a single piece is not added to the order I have in......some spectacular corals are on their way west....
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Old 11-06-2016, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
Knowing who your livestock is from isnt creating a circus. When money is involved people should be allowed to know who its going to.
This is insane. I asked simple questions anyone should have a right to ask before they decide if they want in especially if the seller refuses to make themselves known.
I have an easy solution for you. DONT JOIN!!!!
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Old 11-06-2016, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Wheelman76 View Post
I have an easy solution for you. DONT JOIN!!!!
I agree why you hating on this great opertunity who cares about the source if it's legit and I I'm sure it is. Gary is a man to his word and is offering people a great opertunity to get some one of a kind gems for our tanks.
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Old 11-06-2016, 10:45 PM
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Thanks both Jess and Ryan. Anyone who spends any amount of time on this forum knows I have been searching for crazy SPS. I have attempted a couple times to do a group thru a couple sites that had items of intrest to me and I got cold feet when I would receive info from trusted sources. This guy has reached out to me a few times. Finally I gave him a shot and the rest is history folks. I want sweet sticks, he has stuff that can't be found here without selling off your first born. He is willing to share. I trust him. The 6 pcs I have in my tank from him are thriving. Good enough for me. You can sit out if you wish.
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