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Old 03-13-2016, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by byee View Post
Where will the co-op be located?
What skill sets do you required?
What roles do you need filled?
What's required - hardware? Soft skills?

There are also lots of other great questions posted in the thread by other Canreef members.

I understand the concept of co-ops - MEC, REI evolved into million dollar companies.

What's your objective? Membership? Vision?

All good questions.
Skill sets about simply the desire and drive to do something positive.
Roles to be filled.....Once we get the stuff into storage we can assess roles
What is required......again not an immediate answer.
Once we get goods into storage the logical next move would be to form a committee of some sort and take a good hard honest run at this. Obviously the combined first objective would be to source out a facility, which would directly affect immediate scope, and in turn the hardware.......and so on. This may have an oportunity to morph into something much larger, but that is thinking way too far out of the box and off point to where we need to begin. Which is getting usable goods out of current location and into storage. That is the "rush" part.
From there deliberate, exercised due diligence will take over and from there the rest will dictate our direction.
Monday I will be able to meet with the general contractor and nail down the "exit plan".......the heavy lifting part, the most important part, as without it we have nothing to build upon. But once again, anyone with agenda for personal gain should just scroll past this post.
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Old 03-13-2016, 06:46 AM
Scarrao Scarrao is offline
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let me know if you need any help... always willing to lend a hand
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Old 03-13-2016, 04:28 PM
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Following along . I'm interested in helping out , if needed.

240G Dream Tank of Frustration
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Old 03-13-2016, 04:44 PM
dino dino is offline
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I could possibly help from time to time if it works out with the work/family schedule
150 gallon reef mostly softies/lps. 50 gal sump with bubble magnus skimmer/ Led fuge light/refugium/ 1200 return and tunze powerheads. Dual pharoah main tank led.4 pump dosser.
550 gallon stingray tank water drip system
150 bowfront. 75 turtle tank, many others
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Old 03-13-2016, 08:34 PM
input80 input80 is offline
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I'll be able to offer some help. all depending on where it will be located.
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Old 03-13-2016, 11:14 PM
reefwithareefer reefwithareefer is offline
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I am interested in helping out

Always wondered why there was no coop of this type around.

I can offer up a place to store all/some of the stuff in Abby temporarily.

Can help set up as I am a carpenter by trade with plumbing and electrical experience and I am obviously in the hobby.

I can offer 2 hrs a week over the long haul.
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Old 03-13-2016, 11:44 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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I would be interested in helping out.
As others said, depending on when and where.
Presently doing a kitchen reno as we had a leak in the RO canisters.

So let me know
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