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Old 03-06-2016, 07:49 AM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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can you mix different types of anthis?
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Old 03-06-2016, 03:41 PM
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Yes some people mix species, just make sure you only have 1 male.
Its generally recommended to do like 4+ or just 1.
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Old 03-06-2016, 04:26 PM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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i read online that anthis also kill the weaker fish in the group, is this true? and if so which bread is less susceptible to this?
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Old 03-06-2016, 04:32 PM
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Well they could.... Their a typical schooling fish, if the fish is truly "weak" then theres a reason its being picked off. Otherwise the smaller one is usually the more bullied one, but they don't usually kill them off like chromis. But that's why it's best to have 4+ so the largest ones (the male) aggression is dispersed through more of the group. That's also why if you get multiple species of anthias, you don't get the largest one from each tank at the lfs, don't want to end up with all males

There were my dispars.

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Old 03-06-2016, 04:43 PM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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thats an awesome picture! So in a 75g 1 male to 3 Females would be best? im just trying to avoid buying fish that will eventually kill each other off. i am going to be quarantining them
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Old 03-06-2016, 04:52 PM
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That's what I would do.

Or just get 1.

I only have a single Lyretail in my tank right now. Had 4 or 5 to begin with but they were all wiped out by velvet or something brought in by a flame angel. Only the largest - the male - made it through, and he rules my tank.

Any Anthias I have had, I started them on cyclopeeze then just fed that with marine micro pellets after a few days so the fish are swimming around and gobbling up both, and then their 100% on pellets.
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Old 03-06-2016, 04:57 PM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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sounds good, out of the dispar and the lyretail, which are better to keep, as being hardier with less problems?
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Old 03-06-2016, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Amadod2 View Post
sounds good, out of the dispar and the lyretail, which are better to keep, as being hardier with less problems?
Personal choice I guess.

I could say Lyretail as my guys going on 4 Years with me now, but all his girls I got with him all died from that outbreak. But that's not their fault, everyone but the male anthias and my sailfin blenny died from that. So I don't strike that against the anthias.

Both the dispars and the Lyretail I had were put on pellets just as easily.
I think the adult male Lyretail are stunning fish when they start turning red/purple, where as Dispars look like they have a mullet going on

In all honesty... I only picked those species because thats what J&L had at the time, and they were around $20 each, I wasn't spending more then that per fish

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Old 03-06-2016, 05:06 PM
Amadod2 Amadod2 is offline
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how long did you have the dispar for? did you notice their colour ever go dull?
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Old 03-06-2016, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Amadod2 View Post
how long did you have the dispar for? did you notice their colour ever go dull?
I had them for a few months. They were nice and fat. All the same colour, but one was slightly bigger and you could tell he was the male for sure.
They died because of my own stupidity. I was still new at this reef thing. Bad waterchange, filled the tank too full (no surface agitation), water was cloudy, so many things I did wrong, woke up and everyone was dead. Goby, Clowns, Damsel, Anthias, scooter blenny.
I only ever fed once a day.
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