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Old 04-01-2015, 11:12 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by hondas3000 View Post
use ranco or any digital controller and titanium heater, that way you don't rely on the heater control.
That ranco looks pretty promising. I might consider that or even just go for a apex. I know it's a much higher initial investment but it pales in comparison to what I spent on my main tank. I should be able to snag a good deal on here when some1 sells.

Originally Posted by Pike View Post
What do you want to him to do ? cry about it ? There are a lot of people who think that no one should even keep wild fish in a glass prison for your own amusement.
+1. Pretty much sums it all up here. Thx Pike =)

Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
I'm just blown away by how much livestock you had squeezed into that tiny tank....

If you haven't had a heater cook a tank, you probably haven't been reefing long enough.

There weren't always affordable controllers either.
Ya I havnt been In this hobby for too long. I think I'm almost at 2yrs now which means I'm still a noob with tons to learn lol. Yea at first I also thought that I might have overstocked my 4 gal tank but I kept it bare bottom and piled my rockwork in a way that Detris won't get trapped too much and I do 80% water changes once a week. This kept all my params In check and nitrates low. Of course I also did not keep super high demanding corals but everything was super happy till the heater fiasco.

Also I was using a eheim jäger heater. I see ppl saying they only trust titanium heaters. Why is that?
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Old 04-02-2015, 12:08 AM
Wretch Wretch is offline
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I use two heaters rated for smaller tanks. So if one breaks and decides to try and cook my tank its not going to over heat it that much hopefully.

I think people like the titanium heater because glass and plastic can crack and leak stuff into your water. Titanium isn't supposed to..
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Old 04-02-2015, 04:24 PM
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This hobby can be brutal sometimes. Little things cause huge problems. Keep your head up! Let me know if I can help.
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Old 04-02-2015, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Wretch View Post
I use two heaters rated for smaller tanks. So if one breaks and decides to try and cook my tank its not going to over heat it that much hopefully.

I think people like the titanium heater because glass and plastic can crack and leak stuff into your water. Titanium isn't supposed to..
I use two 100 watt ViaAqua titanium heaters for my 40 breeder both have built in thermostats so they make it easy to see a heat problem if there was one. I did so after reading so many people having 1 heater cook a tank. Learned the hard way with glass heaters after a glass one exploded during a water change, also had one marineland heater that just stayed on after only being a year old.

Being a pico tank it may be a pain to have 2 heaters.
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Old 04-02-2015, 06:39 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Thx guys for ur inputs. I've decided to shut down my 4 gal pico indefinitely n it will go on sale same with my 75g full set up n I will be getting a apex for more peace of mind. Kelly I'm gonna pm U soon with a few things U can help me with =) some nice Sps I got from U died during my tank swap.
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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