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Old 03-14-2015, 09:49 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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So would you recommend an acclimation tank then rather than changing up the tank layout?
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Old 03-14-2015, 09:58 PM
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An acclimation box where everyone can see each other is worth a shot. But have you confirmed that aggression is the issue? Are you quarantining your new fish? Even if it's not to treat them for disease, I have yet to see a fish in a fish store that couldn't stand to gain some weight, many are downright emaciated by the time you get them home. I use the QT period as much to get them eating and confident as I do to treat them for disease. Dropping a fish that's half starved and has just been flown half way around the world in a dark, tiny bag in to a tank full of healthy, aggressive resident fish is a rough way to introduce any new arrivals. If you've got low levels of ecto-parasites in your system like ich that your resident fish have all developed acquired immunity too, the combination of stresses would be enough to take out most fish.

If you're not already doing it, I'd recommend bringing your new fish home to a QT tank where it's just them and you can introduce all the foods they'll need to compete for in the big tank. Once they've visibly gained some weight, then I'd introduce them in an acclimation box and wait until your aggressive fish stop taking runs at it. My powder blue would have killed my copper band had the copper band not been in perfect shape when I put it in, but because of the QT process the copper band was able to defend itself AND compete for food until the PBT lost interest, which took about 5 days.
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Old 03-14-2015, 10:18 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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I will admit in the past I havent always used QT methods. I try to never buy a fish that is looking weaker I try to pick out healthy looking fish when I buy them.

But the last round of fish I tired out was 6 Bicolor Anthias. I had them in QT for about a week and saw them all eating and acting normal. I added them to my tank and they all went straight into the rocks like I was expecting them to. I would say in less than 20 days I went from seeing all 6 to not seeing any of them, almost like they are being picked off one by one. No abnormal tank spikes, all the other fish seem normal, corals are doing fine & the ones that lasted always came out quickly to feed.

Needless to say loosing 6 fish in a month really turned me off of anything for the tank in the last 8 months. Just been doing regular water changes and cleaning the glass, really frustrated with it and im slowly working my way back up to trying more but I dont want to be stung from something I might be able to avoid.
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Old 03-21-2015, 03:55 AM
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Redoing aquascape works for me, add a second yellow tang and they were fighting at the point that the new one was hiding beyond a rock for a week or 2, I had to target feed the poor guy, so I move everything on my tank and now they swim together all the time,is crazy but that worked for me...
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Old 03-22-2015, 12:33 AM
Magma Magma is offline
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Sadly I think I have found the problem...the 6 line has started to be aggressive towards my larger fish, trying to chase them around the tank. I think the tangs find it fun because they seem to play along for a bit but when they are done they turn and stand ground. Seems he may have to go only problem is catching the little bugger...
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