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Old 03-10-2015, 10:03 AM
Timbits Timbits is offline
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Originally Posted by jostafew View Post
I thought the idea of isolating an anemone on an island was genius and pushed me over the edge of wanting one but being concerned about its wanderings to feeling confident about finally doing it. That was until the RBTA that I had in my tank for about a month decided to hop over from one piece of LR to the next, separated by about 3-4" of sand bed. One day it was on the island where I placed it, the next it was on the mainland moving around hahaha. Maybe I needed more space between the rockwork islands, but in my 35gal shallow reef that was about the best I could do. Fortunately my tank had very little coral in it at the time and its wanderings had little to no impact. Now that it's settled I will consider stocking around it but will still give some space.
Man you just never know with anemones eh?? Lol
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Old 03-10-2015, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Timbits View Post
Man you just never know with anemones eh?? Lol
There you go, that statement pretty well sums it up. As mentioned by more than one responder with experience here, there are no guarantees that an anemone won't move at some point. Might take years, might stay put. You rolls the dice, you takes your chances. If you have valuable coral you don't wish harmed, best to forget about a BTA or start another tank that's dedicated to anemones & clownfish.

Also, while many clownfish may make a variety of anemones their home, certain species of each are natural matches in the wild. A little research there will go a long way. For example, the popular BTA is a natural host to Maroon clownfish. I've had a BTA in my tank since a few months after setting up & have a breeding pair of Maroons calling it their home. The original BTA has split numerous times & the clones have a habit of wandering around. The original stayed on roughly the same perch for years, then decided it was time to make a move. Since the latest move, it has done a great job of killing off some nuisance palys/zoas & a Kenya tree coral that was getting quite large. It also did a number on some montipora caps & my hammer coral. I don't mind too much since I can frag off most of these relatively common corals, but I wouldn't be too happy about having some really high priced sps getting stung to oblivion.

With regard to thinking sand is a barrier, forget it. If a BTA doesn't like where it is, it will simply release altogether & go for a swim until it either ends up in a power head or on another piece of rockwork it likes. A change in water chemistry, temperature, water change and any number of other mishaps can be a catalyst for the anemone to decide it's going for a ride.
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Old 03-10-2015, 03:15 PM
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I tried this once. Lost a few prize SPS and then spent hours removing the nem from a power head. It will move
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Old 03-10-2015, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Timbits View Post
Man you just never know with anemones eh?? Lol
Yep. I had one in my 90-gallon SPS tank that didn't move off it's rock for about 4 years even though I moved the rock (and it) around at times. It wasn't on an island, it was part of the rockscape, but always stayed in its rock.

Then I moved it to my 50-gallon tank. It stayed on it's rock for about 6 months, then it walked. Freakin thing did laps around my tank for about a month until finally settling and has stayed put now for about 6 months.
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Old 03-11-2015, 01:51 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I had RBTA for about six months. It would stay put for about a month and then go into a small power head. I would place the now smaller anemone back into the rocks and the cycle would repeat month after month. After the last time there just wasn't enough of the anemone left and that was the last time I ever put one in my tank. I will admit that it was about the most indestructible coral (I know, some say it's technically not a coral) I have ever seen but it was a PITA.
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Old 03-11-2015, 08:33 PM
FrankS FrankS is offline
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I have a Bubble Tip and placed it into my 65 gallon. It didn't like where I placed it and walked or rather then a huge hop to the other side of the tank landing on the gravel. It decided to shimmy up the side of the glass (back/rear) and then the next time I looked ended up under a rock on the other side of the DT where it has been now for months. My clowns which were tank bred ignore it. When I feed it I have to have a long tube to keep the cleaner shrimp from stealing its food. Fascinating creature!
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