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Old 02-28-2015, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
But then reality sucks.
It does. And we lie to ourselves to hide from it. In between posts I'm cooking omelets for the family. Using eggs from cage raised chickens, topped with dead pig. For dinner, I'm having those dead halibut from further up in the thread. In my house built of wood that killed many things in it's acquisition. Typing using electricity from dams that killed how many creatures? ya...

Please don't preach to me about a MI taken from the ocean, with a dialogue on my experiences that just might help save just one that will be purchased regardless of Wayne's views on the world.
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Old 02-28-2015, 05:19 PM
straightrazorguy straightrazorguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Ya, but let's be honest here. It's a selfish endeavor. These fish would be much happier on a reef. Well, until they got eaten by something.

In the end though, everything dies. My MI may have been eaten if the fisherman hadn''t interrupted the food chain. I might have given it another 2 weeks. Maybe. Maybe not.

Keeping anything captive is wrong. It's how much wrong we can live with at the end of the day and still sleep at night.
Yup, it's selfish, all right. And captivity is wrong.

And I agree, fishing for food is far more destructive. So, by eating less fish I can keep more in my tank, right? I'd rather go all vegetarian than give up my tank.
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Old 02-28-2015, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by straightrazorguy View Post
Yup, it's selfish, all right. And captivity is wrong.

And I agree, fishing for food is far more destructive. So, by eating less fish I can keep more in my tank, right? I'd rather go all vegetarian than give up my tank.
Yes. If you eat nothing but carrots, you can have a moorish idol.

Fishing for fish is pretty destructive, regardless their use. We all want the cheap fish, which are almost all caught with cyanide. These cyanide fishermen are not overly selective in what they blast. Cyanide tang from Phillipines, $2. Net caught tang from Hawaii, $20. Which one gets consumed by our hobby the most?
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Old 02-28-2015, 05:29 PM
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I'll add this, in defense of my recklessness.

Talking to the supplier last night, he estimates about 20% success rate with MIs.

So let's just, for argument's sake, assume Sam and I are not entirely insane and O2 levels for these fish is a factor. Now anyone trying a MI adds an airstone, or some other mechanism to increase O2. Success rate jumps to 25%. Is that not a good thing?
Let's face it, the fish will get caught, they will get sold, and they will be a constant in the market. Always have been, always will be. My irresponsible act might save a couple more per hundred caught, because I talked about it.

I can sleep at night with this.
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Old 02-28-2015, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I'll add this, in defense of my recklessness.

I can sleep at night with this.
I'll second that!
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Old 02-28-2015, 06:05 PM
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if you really want to see what a dispicable species we really are go to MERCY FOR ANIMALS web site and look at the videos.
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Old 02-28-2015, 06:18 PM
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Here's another scenario. This evolves from me keeping birds years ago.

I'm house sitting for a friend in Costa Rica, out watering the garden. Overhead goes a flock of parrots, which look a lot like some I used to keep. I watched them fly over the canopy, across the lagoon and miles into the distance. What size cage is appropriate to keep these birds in? We do this with fish....

I have to say, I do admire Wayne's passion to speak up about things he strongly believes in. More people should. Maybe one day we won't keep things locked up. Sadly, most of us will never see that day...('cause we're really old hehe)
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Old 02-28-2015, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
No, same old Wayne

Reviewing the MI thread on RC, many people have successfully kept these, some in excess of 5 years. My last one was almost 2 years in tank, did well until I left town with no notice and forgot I had turned my pumps off.

Ordered a replacement, let's see how that goes.

And now I have a Queen song stuck in my head. thx for that
I am sorry. I really try to keep on top of all things marine but it looks as though I missed the study or article that changed the chances of MI survival. Were scientists or experts able to develop some type of new food or figure out how to keep them alive in some manner?
Would you please share the link to the study or article so we can all benefit?

I know you intended the tang pic to be humour but the pic was very hard for me to to look at.

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Old 02-28-2015, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I am sorry. I really try to keep on top of all things marine but it looks as though I missed the study or article that changed the chances of MI survival. Were scientists or experts able to develop some type of new food or figure out how to keep them alive in some manner?
Would you please share the link to the study or article so we can all benefit?

I know you intended the tang pic to be humour but the pic was very hard for me to to look at.

Not sure I posted an article, or suggested an article, or otherwise gave anything but a stat based on feedback from a supplier.

Many people report 5 years plus with these using NLS pellets. Only one guy reports feeding sponge regularly.
I bet a lot more clownfish die in captivity than moorish idols. I don't see you championing their cause.
Sorry Wayne, but your "opinion" means squat to me, as long as you have/had a tank of your own. I killed a fish, you torture them for longer periods.

And no, the pic wasn't meant in humour at all. It was meant as a glimpse into where fish end up. They're food for humans. Sometimes we adopt them and keept them trapped in a box for our enjoyment, but they're fish. They have been removed from the ocean since we figured out how, and they will be removed for as long as they or us exist.
If my keeping a fish and posting about it helps save one that is going to get purchased anyway, I'm glad.

Lastly, I have no problem discussing ethics of fish-keeping, or life for that matter, but if you're going to be a dink in your replies, I have no interest in talking to you.
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Old 02-28-2015, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Sorry Wayne, but your "opinion" means squat to me, as long as you have/had a tank of your own. I killed a fish, you torture them for longer periods.

BOOM..... Plus one million, billion, zillion. Put that in your ethical pipe and smoke it.
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