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Old 02-23-2015, 07:39 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Why not keep the food sources separate? Personally I wouldn't add flake and pellet. They are not needed and might be better to keep them as a seperate form of feeding. You may find you are not able to feed the mush daily and as your sole food source anyways which may require you to feed a more controled form of food through pellet or flake. Not every system will be able to handle the amount of excess nutrients that the mush is going to cause on a daily bases. The amount you will be able to feed of it will be based on your system. So personally I wouldn't dirty it up any more then you have to. Feed pellet/flakes when you need to and the raw whole foods when you can and need to. And skip the garlic and binders. The whole food is so nutirent rich you don't need all that junk in there. You'd just be polluting it and your system further with no real bennifit. If you want to add some nori however that is fine but try not to destroy it with the proccessing breaking it down to to small pieces that don't get consumed as it is also very high in phospahtes.
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Old 02-23-2015, 07:57 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by jason604 View Post
I think the ajar ajar to bind the pieces together is a great idea so they don't break apart and polute the water before my fishes eat it. Isn't adding real garlic better than the ones in the bottle since I can mince it so fishes can actually eat pieces of it as well. I read that fresh water fishes should not be feed to saltwater fishes and that mussels clams and oysters contain too much heavy metals. Dunno how accurate these claims are. I was gonna get one of those mixed frozen raw seafood bags at the super market Cuz of the variety of different seafood in it. Was going to wash it good with water and table salt then dry and semi freeze it again n add to food processor with lots of garlic, flake, pellets and nori. Don't want to have so much juices come out if I don't freeze it a lil bit.
Yea i was planning to feed the mush 2-3x a week only n the garlic is to increase their immune system and promote appetite
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Old 02-23-2015, 08:16 PM
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I think it matters little what you feed but rather how much you feed.
Overfeeding of pellets is just as bad as overfeeding of raw food. So portion control is key.
In my opinion pellet foods are convenient to us, not so much for the fish.
In the wild clowns eat different foods to wrasses, angels, tangs etc So a 1 pellet fits all their nutritional needs 100% is a little silly.
I'm not against pellets, but believe variety is important.
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Old 02-23-2015, 09:29 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Mixing the flake or pellets into the jell food will result in dissolved flake/pellet particles dispersing into your tank when you feed the jell, I would imagine. As another member suggested, keep the foods separate. Less mess and more convenient.

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Old 02-23-2015, 11:51 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Ok I will make a test batch without the flake n pellet to give it a try. Strangely enough my new trigger is eating flake food right away when I fed my new hippo tang. The dealer told me he hasn't been eating anyhing since he got the shipment in last week. The main reason I was thinking of making mush is for hIm. And it's rly weird that my trigger n hippo actually sleeps side by side under my rockwork n always chill together.
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Old 02-24-2015, 03:57 AM
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Originally Posted by jason604 View Post
The dealer told me he hasn't been eating anyhing since he got the shipment in last week.
I'm not trying to be rude so please don't take this the wrong way. You need to really start researching this hobby and be patient. You should never buy a fish that isn't eating, especially when the store worker tells you.
Listen to a bunch of different peoples opinions and experiences before making decisions. Did you even read those links people have posted to you?
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Old 02-24-2015, 06:04 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
I'm not trying to be rude so please don't take this the wrong way. You need to really start researching this hobby and be patient. You should never buy a fish that isn't eating, especially when the store worker tells you.
Listen to a bunch of different peoples opinions and experiences before making decisions. Did you even read those links people have posted to you?
no worries no hard feelings taken.. Yup ive read through the links and also asking additional questions cuz i want to like u said listen to different people's opinions and what works for them. Dont wanna just look at 1 article and follow it exactly because most are bias. I wanna see all the ways different ppl do it differently and maybe combine all the pros from each method together. As for the fish yea i did some research b4 i bought it. Many ppl have trouble with triggers feeding at first but they do become trained n eat. I was fortunate for it to not be picky and eat right away even with flake.
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Old 04-22-2015, 02:22 PM
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Here's my usual recipe:

I use almost entirely human grade ingredients.

40% white shrimp (uncooked, shells on, I pull the tails off, put the swimmerettes in)
20% Wild Pacific Salmon
25% Green Lipped Mussels (this stuff is amazing)
10% Squid (no more than 10% or fish can get fatty liver disease)
5% Flying Fish Roe (aka Tobiko at Asian grocery)

Use a food processor to blend the crap out of everything, usually one ingredient at a time as some blend easier. Blend the squid while it's frozen. Blend it into a paste.

Then add:

1g Florida Aqua Farms Vitamins per 100g food
1g Nori and/or Spirulina powder per 100g food
1 mL Selcon per 100g food
1 mL Brightwell Aquatics Garlic Extract per 500 g food
1g Wild Salmon Oil per 100g food (I empty human gel caps)

BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin 12mg gel caps (color enhancing algae, buy Hawaiian)
Empty 1 gel cap per 50g of food (gonna be messy, wear gloves)

Mix everything, then heat a small amount of new SW, add gelatin, mix up well, then pour over mash, mix quickly (it will stiffen up quickly as the cool food cools the gelatin).

1g Florida Aqua Farms Gelatin per 30g food

I put 6 -8 ounces into sandwich bags, roll flat, freeze. Then I break off chunks, put into a small glass to thaw, and use a small spoon to break it up and feed.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-22-2015, 02:43 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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I stopped feeding my fish the mush Cuz they don't seem to like eating it in a frozen pane and then it just breaks apart n dirty the water.
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Old 04-22-2015, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by jason604 View Post
I stopped feeding my fish the mush Cuz they don't seem to like eating it in a frozen pane and then it just breaks apart n dirty the water.
I thaw it, and scoop bite-sized chunks with a small spoon. The bits that fall apart are coral food. Do you have an issue with phosphate and/or nitrate? Do you have good flow? Do you have a good skimmer? If your answers are no, yes, yes, then you're good to go.
~ Mindy

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