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Old 01-10-2015, 04:30 AM
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Originally Posted by mihaivapler View Post
Like anything else there is no such thing as not failing on you.
And that's your experience with DC pumps
You're lucky to not have any failures as so many others have
I've read many threads here about the Jebao pump controllers failing, and Waveline, and Waveline's offshoot Speedwave
Anyone notice J&L doesn't carry Speedwave anymore ?

From what I've seen here on Canreef, and what I've read online, I would never buy any DC pump right now no matter what brand. Even the Waveline products have had issues and I thought they were the best

I'm still waiting for the DC pump market to 'fix' itself before I spend any of my limited reef tank budget on anything I 'don't need'
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Old 01-10-2015, 07:42 AM
reeferfulton reeferfulton is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
And that's your experience with DC pumps
You're lucky to not have any failures as so many others have
I've read many threads here about the Jebao pump controllers failing, and Waveline, and Waveline's offshoot Speedwave
Anyone notice J&L doesn't carry Speedwave anymore ?

From what I've seen here on Canreef, and what I've read online, I would never buy any DC pump right now no matter what brand. Even the Waveline products have had issues and I thought they were the best

I'm still waiting for the DC pump market to 'fix' itself before I spend any of my limited reef tank budget on anything I 'don't need'

agreed 100%
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Old 01-10-2015, 03:15 PM
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Agree with that.I don't try to convince nobody to purchase dc pumps,the tread is about what options he has,I just shared my experience with jebao.I did bite the bullet and it worked out good for me,financialy doesn't make sense for me to spend 400 dollars on mp40 witch is loud when is at max when I can spend 100 on wp60 and is quiet and even if does fail on me is just 100$. And about the controller failing don't know if this the secret but all my controllers are mounted outside from my sump area so I have no moisture in contact with them,in the end are made in China and the seal is not the best...

Last edited by mihaivapler; 01-10-2015 at 03:17 PM.
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Old 01-10-2015, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I'm still waiting for the DC pump market to 'fix' itself before I spend any of my limited reef tank budget on anything I 'don't need'
Agree with this. Actually im waiting for quality DC pumps to become affordable. While the speed waves are crap the abyzz seem to run like a dream. Some middle ground would be nice. Also it needs to be a more commonly available pump for me to switch. Dealing with high end parts replacement is a total chore.

Unfortunately I need a pump to push from my basement otherwise the choice is so easy. One or two eheims. They run forever and are quiet. Noisy mag 24 for now for me. Reliable like the eheims tho.

That said I would take a chance on another speedwave or similar if it was one speed (no controller).
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Last edited by lastlight; 01-10-2015 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 01-10-2015, 03:59 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I had a system the same size as yours and ran a Mag9.5 for 6 years on it without a single issue. It was still running as new when I sold it. Never had any heat issues, even in the summer temp never got over 79. I should also mention that mine never had a mounting base so I just stuck a piece of foam rubber under it and it was silent with the foam.

Last edited by intarsiabox; 01-10-2015 at 04:02 PM.
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Old 01-10-2015, 04:17 PM
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Have a Jebao flawlessly (fingers crossed).
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Old 01-10-2015, 06:10 PM
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The smaller mags aren't actually bad for noise.
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Old 01-10-2015, 08:35 PM
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Yeah on most of my previous setups I ran Mag9.5's and I cant say anything bad about them. They're way cheaper than the eheims (nothing bad to say about the eheims aside from price). All of mine were quiet and added no heat to the aquarium. I currently have a Mag12 running my manifold, and its dead silent with no heat issues.

I have to add to the DC pump thing as well. They do have known issues with the power supplies and controllers. But that being said, I purchased a new power supply from an electronics store and both my DC10000's have been running perfectly ever since. They just need to tweak their power supplies and controllers a bit before they are truely suitable for the hobby.

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Old 01-10-2015, 10:01 PM
ronau ronau is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
And that's your experience with DC pumps
You're lucky to not have any failures as so many others have
I've read many threads here about the Jebao pump controllers failing, and Waveline, and Waveline's offshoot Speedwave
Anyone notice J&L doesn't carry Speedwave anymore ?

From what I've seen here on Canreef, and what I've read online, I would never buy any DC pump right now no matter what brand. Even the Waveline products have had issues and I thought they were the best

I'm still waiting for the DC pump market to 'fix' itself before I spend any of my limited reef tank budget on anything I 'don't need'
Do you really think there are gonna be tonnes of threads saying their DC pumps are working awesome? People post more when they want to complain vs. praise a product.

Personally I treat Jebao as disposable equipment, if it breaks down, I replace it. Last time I bought DC-12000 pumps, they cost me $140 each. One just broke down and I'll probably just keep it around for parts. When I started out I wasn't sure what equipment I was gonna run so having the flexibility to control flow was important to me. My RO DC skimmer has been going strong for almost a year now.

Like FishyFishy said, early power supplies were the main culprit but supposedly if you don't run it at 100%, it lasts a lot longer. I'm not saying that's right because who wants something they can't fully utilize but something that may help. I also never cared about controllers much once the after market Apex cables were available. I believe the new powers supplies and controllers are better now.

I also now have an Eheim 1262 and Compact 5000 as back up return pumps but not because I don't trust DC pumps but because I got them for a good deal.
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Old 01-10-2015, 11:28 PM
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thanks to everyone for replying... so i have to agree on thr dc pumps, great that they are adjustable but i have heard to many bad opinions.. eheim 1260/2 was an option but not sure how well it do with roughly 6 ft of head. mag 9.5 is another option but i hear there loud and heat issue from all the posts i read but yes just like the eheims everybody finds them very reliable... the one other option i am considering is the sicce syncra 5.0. it seems to have the power, and they advertise quiet and although not dc they do have adjustment for flow.. anyone have any experience with this pump. thanks again for the responses
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