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![]() So RODI and reef salt only.. Don't over feed. And I should be good?! Excellent!
I have 2x koralia evolution 425gph powerheads from a previous freshwater tank however I think 1 along with the aqua clear hob should be plenty for a 12g tank (hopefully not to much!) I bought a bag of live sand and will be getting live rock in a few weeks when another reefer gets back into town. That should make a pretty quick cycle. I'll probably let the tank age for a few weeks before I add any fish or shrimp... Am I fairly safe to add se corals right away? ![]() My only other quest is finding a hidden heater. I have heard of some putting them in the hang on back filters if I can find a short one For corals is there any recommend ones that aren't to sensitive and have lots of vibrant colors with led's?
ReefDudes Shallow Reef Tank | Fusion 30L Tank Log | DIY FishTankProjects | Arduino Auto Doser | Fluval Edge nano Reef |
![]() Yup that sounds good, I sense some rushing on your part and I'll be the first to say nothing good happens fast so take your time
![]() I'd suggest researching the inital cycle of the reef tank but here's a crash course With the live sand and live rock you should cycle quicky but you still will need to cycle. Only way to know you are cycling and that the cycle is over is to test for Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate If you have done some reading on the cycle then you know that first the ammonia will spike then nitrite and finally nitrate as the benificial bacteria become established So as soon as you test for no ammonia (toxic for fish and corals) and no nitrites( proving your cycle is over ) then your free to add livestock most start with some clean up crew ( crabs snails ex) then some coral or fish is ok
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything |
![]() Okay thanks! I guess I'm still getting over the planted tank mind set where plants and what not could be in whole cycling
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ReefDudes Shallow Reef Tank | Fusion 30L Tank Log | DIY FishTankProjects | Arduino Auto Doser | Fluval Edge nano Reef |