Originally Posted by mikellini
I think temperature (within the range of this poll) has a greater impact on fish than corals. Corals will adapt to a variety of temperatures and seasonal temperature swings quite readily, and while their metabolism might increase/decrease depending on temp, it's already quite low in comparison to fish. I think running a high temp is more stressful to fish, both because of higher metabolism and lower dissolved oxygen at higher temps.
I have 8 fish in my 93g cube, and run my temp just below 78.
Fish tho in the wild live in the same place the corals do undergoing the same swings i personally think keeping our reefs as close and possible to " natural " environments as we realistically can is the best thing we can do. There are studies done showing temp thats too low or to high has effects on both corals and fish over long term.
Same as keeping a hermit crab from Vancouver shore in our reef while it will survive some weeks to months and adapt to our tank it isn't suited for the higher temp compared to its natural environment of colder waters, i would assume taking a fish or coral from Indonesia or Hawaii and cooling it down to 78 deg for example would have the same effect.
But all in all there really isn't too many studies out there to back up any of our claims so we are mostly going on opinion and i guess at 1:48 am ( when i should be sleeping not thinking about reef tank temp ) thats my opinion lol 
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything