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Old 09-02-2004, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: KH

Originally Posted by ghztew
I checked my KH last night and it's roughly in the 120 range.

Will apologize I have very little background in chem etc.. so my numbers are usually based straight off the readings I get from my tests.

The package gave me two interpretations for the 120, in one area it said anything between 105-125 is good for salt tanks, and then in another area it said if it's over 90 than it's to high.
Now I'm VERY confused I was expecting you to offer either a number under 15 dKH or a number something like 3.21 meq/L. I can only guess that your test kit measured alkalinity in ppm, hence the 120.

Here are two pages on alkalinity to further your education. I have them bookmarked because I refer to them whenever I have pH and KH questions. Not much of a chemist myself

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Old 09-02-2004, 10:15 PM
Pegasus Pegasus is offline
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Default Kh

Beverly, I believe he is using a Hagan test kit and that it is mg/L.

This link will take you to a hardness conversion calculator on the Hagan web site. According to it, your reading 6.72 dH. Hope this helps.

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Old 09-03-2004, 07:26 PM
ghztew ghztew is offline
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You're correct Pegasus, I'm using a Hagen test kit. Looking at the conversion tables etc.. my dKH would be what you posted 6.72.

So...... what does that mean? :confused: Is this high/low/on target?

I'll keep reading up on the Alkalinity, but if it is possible that the coral was bleached, will it return to it's normal colour over time? Earlier today when I was studying the coral I also noticed that some of the tiny hairs on the coral are slightly brown/tan while the rest of the coral is pure white.

If I can grab a digital camera, I'll post a picture.

Once again, thank you for the time in helping me out..
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Old 09-03-2004, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ghztew
You're correct Pegasus, I'm using a Hagen test kit. Looking at the conversion tables etc.. my dKH would be what you posted 6.72.

So...... what does that mean? Is this high/low/on target?
You are shooting for a dKH of between 8 and 11, so your 6.72 is somewhat low.

Originally Posted by ghztew
I just checked last night and my pH is off the charts, much higher than the 8.3 is right now.. i think my readings go to 8.6 so I'm guessing my pH might be closer to 8.9 or 9.0 right now.
Going back to your original post, I am wondering by what means are you testing pH? Do you have a meter or are you using a test kit? If using a test kit, please explain how your particular kit works and the range of pH that it will test, so we are not guessing your pH, but know its' actual values. Without actual values, it is foolish (and dangerous, even) to suggest a course of action.

Remember, that pH is lower just before lights on and higher just before lights out and these are the values to be looking for. For instance, this morning in my 67g, pH was 8.24 and last night it was 8.47, using a Pinpoint pH probe connected to a Hanna Instruments pH Controller.

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